Chapter 24

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I smile and blush I can't help but get excited. I've never been on a date so this will be my first time. I try not to bounce in my seat. Finally he pulls up into a building and I can't help but grin big. It was a roller blading rink. I couldn't help but grin more. "Oh my god I've always wanted to go here! How did you know?" I asked him shocked.

"I have my resources," he says with a smirk. I giggle and gets out of the car and runs to the place and goes inside. I waits for Jake to get in when he does. We go and he pays for the both of us. We go and strap on our skates and I get up. I try to roller blade to the rink. But since it's been so long. I fall on my ass I hear Jake laughing behind me. I give him a dirty look. 

I pull him down with me and giggles when he falls beside me. "That's what you get for laughing at me," I say to him. He just laughs and gets up and he goes and helps me up and we head towards the rink. We skate together for a little while. Then when lunch comes around we go out to eat. He then takes me to the movies. 

Then he takes me out to eat for dinner and then we go to a dance club. I grin and dances with him and by the time we get done dancing it's only 10pm. Jake drives us to a cliff that over looks the city and we cuddle into each other and watches the stars. "Thanks for an amazing time today love I had so much fun," I say to him smiling. He smiles back and kisses me. 

After we kiss for a while he pulls away and begins to talk to me. "I'm glad that you had fun. I'm always going to be here for you. I'm always going to treat you right. I had fun as well. I want to do this a lot more often if you ask me," he says to me. I laugh and we make out for a while and then we go to the car and he drives me back home and he kisses me goodnight. 

I go inside of the house and I can't help but smile wide. I close the door and runs to Annabelle's room and I barge into her room without knocking. "Oh my god sis I had an amazing time with Jake today!" I say to her all excited. She laughs and sits up because she was laying down. When I barged into her room. I sit on her bed and tell her everything. 

After I'm done sissy grins at me wickedly. "Did you guys have sex?" She asks me. I feel my face get all hot from blushing. "No! All we did was make out I'm not ready for sex just yet," I say. I feel my face get hotter as I say all of this. Annabelle just laughs at me more. I stick my tongue out at her. "You really need to ask your best friend out sis. He really likes you," I say to her.

I see her face gets all hot on what I said. "No way could I do that sis and plus I really don't think he likes me that way," she says. I grin and grabs her phone from her nightstand. "Well we are going to find out then sis," I say with a smile. She looks at me panicky as I dial Josh is number. After two rings he picks up the phone. "Hello? Annabelle?" He asks. 

I try not to giggle. "Hey Josh it's me can I ask you something?" I say to him. He pauses for a moment. "Um sure you can ask me anything you want Aqua," he says to me. I grin bigger and look up at sissy. She is biting her lip and is looking nervous. "Do you like my sister as more than a friend?" I ask him. I hear my sister gasp the same time that I hear Josh gulp. 

"Y-yes I do like her as more than a friend," he tells me. I giggle and grins wide. "Then why haven't you asked her out then?" I ask him. He gulps again before he answers my question. "That's because I don't think she likes me back that way," he tells me. I'm speechless for a moment and I have an urge to smack him upside of the head on how stupid he is being right now. "How can you not tell that she feels the same way?" I asks him after a while.

"Wait what do you mean she feels the same way about me?" He asks me. I let out a groan before I answer him. "Dude it's quite obvious! Have you not noticed? I don't get why everyone notices you guys like each other besides the two of you?" I ask him a little annoyed. He doesn't know what to say for a moment. 

"Well then let me talk to her then," he says to me. I laugh and hands the phone to my sister. "Hey sis he wants to talk to you about something," I say to my sister. She shakes her head back and forth really fast. But I ignore it and hands her the phone anyways. She sighs and finally takes the phone from me. "H-hello?" She stutters a little. I can't help but giggle more on how cute sissy is being right now. 

I sit and wait for them to talk for a while. I could tell what was going on by the expressions sis would make every time Josh would say something to her. Finally after a little while. Sis hangs up with him and looks at me. She had a grin on her face and so did I. "Well sis? How did it go?" I ask her. 

She grins and tackle hugs me making me squeak in surprise and falls over backwards. We both lay there laughing for a while. "It went really well! Thanks so much for this sissy!" She says to me. I just grin and hugs her tightly. "I take it he asked you out?" I asked her. She nods her head up and down excitedly. I couldn't help but be really happy for my sister. 

"So when will you guys be going on a date?" I asked her. She doesn't say anything for a moment. "He said he plans on taking me out on a date next week. But he won't tell me to where. Why must guys have to be so mysterious?" She asks me. I just laugh and shrugs my shoulders. "Sis I stopped trying to figure out guys a long time ago," I say to her. We sit and talk for a bit until our mother calls us over to her. We go to her study and sit down and waits to hear what she has to say to us. 

"I just got a call from Dr. James," she said to us. My eyes widen and I grip my seat in anticipation. "What did Dr. James want to call you about?" I asked our mother. "He wants you guys to start working with him tomorrow after school. Are you girls fine with that?" She asks us. I nods my head and I'm screaming on the inside. We are getting closer to our goal. I just hope it works out. I think to myself. 

"Alright I wrote down the times on when he wants you girls there and where to meet him at. Just please be careful for me is all I ask of you girls," mom says to us. We both nods our heads and we leave the room after mom gave us the info we needed. We go and meet up in my room. "Well this is it. I know this might not be easy but I know it's worth it. So are you ready for this sis?" I asked her. She grins at me. 

"Duh of course I was born for this I'm just really excited and nervous or am I the only one?" She asks me. "No sis your not the only one I'm also excited and nervous as well," I tell her.

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