Chapter 10

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I stare in wonder and watch memorized. I knew right then and there that I wanted to learn to use my powers so I can protect the family I have left. I am not going to lose the family I have left. The boy finally collapses unconscious. I shake my head and I get up to go help out my mom and sis. Mom is too focused on what she is doing to even wonder why we were even there. She was making sure that both teens were locked up tight into a room.

"This will hold them from using their powers. I made this room just in case something like this would happen," mom says to us. Then she turns around and looks at us. Uh oh that means there is a lecture coming up. I think to myself. Sure enough mom opens her mouth. "You both should not have been in that room. It's dangerous to be careless around people like them. They could try to hurt you again. I don't want anything to happen to either of you. Do you hear me? Don't ever do that again," she says chastising us.

I look down in shame but then I look up and have a defiant look on my face. "No mom we want to help out. It's not fair that this keeps happening and we can't help out on protecting the family. It's time we knew everything we are tired of you hiding stuff from us mom," I say to her. Moms eyes widen a little and then she smirks and laughs. "You sound just like your father do you know that?" She asks me. I smile a little and nod. "Yes I am because I'm his daughter and I'm proud of it. So are you finally going to tell us what's going on?" I ask her.

Mom sighs and then nods her head. "Yes you do deserve to know. But not right now not till you learn to use your powers. So here is the deal you learn how to use your powers in 5 months. When you do I'll tell you everything is that a deal?" She asks us. I start to sigh in frustration and I roll my eyes. "Yes we have a deal but you better keep it mom," I say. I look at sissy and she nods her head in agreement. "So when do I get to meet my trainer so I can start learning?" I ask my mom.

"Well dear the funny thing is you already met him at Olive Garden. Jake is the one who is going to teach you," mom says. My eyes widen in shock. "You know I knew him from when I was a child. Didn't you mom," I say as a matter of fact. Not as a question. She nods her head. "Yes it's true you will be training with him starting tomorrow. So let's go back inside the house we are done here for now," mom says. We follow her out and go back inside the house. Mom leaves us saying that she had to take care of something.

We only nod our heads and we head back to my room and we sit on my bed for a while. Lost in our own thoughts till finally I sigh. "Well sissy I have to tell you something," I say to her looking at her. She looks back and nods her head not saying anything. "So I found out from Jake that he and I used to be childhood friends when we were kids. But I don't get why I could forget him you know? How could I forget him when he is dear to me?" I ask myself more than her. Sis doesn't say anything she is too busy lost in her thoughts still.

I start to worry. "Sissy are you ok? You haven't spoken at all since we got up here. Is everything alright?" I ask her worriedly. She nods her head. "Yeah sorry I get really tired and drained when I use my powers," she says in a whisper. I hug her she hugs me back. "I'm sorry sissy why don't you lay down for a bit?" I ask her.

She nods her head and she lays down and relaxes and she falls asleep. I sit there for a bit and I think over on what has been happening. So there is someone who wants us dead. The question is who is it? Why would they want us dead? I think to myself. I frown and bite my lip and then I get up and I'm about to leave my room. To check to see where sis put the copied data record books. When I spot them on my desk and I go over to them.

I sit down on my desk and I pull them towards me and I go over them. It didn't just have data it also had notes scribbled next to some of the kids. It looked like they were powerful and each unique in their powers. Who would have thought that so much can change and happen in thirty years. I think to myself. Finally I'm done looking at them and I close them up and put them in my desk and I get up and get dressed in my swimsuit and go to the indoor pool and I do a few laps around the pool.

Then I stop in the middle of the pool and I take a deep breath and I close my eyes and I try to summon the water to me. I want to see if I can do something after a while it looked like I couldn't do anything till I laid on my back and floated and felt the water caress my skin and without knowing it I feel the water calling to me. Without even thinking about it I touched the water with my mind and I felt like I can see the world through the waters eyes.

As if the water had eyes to see through all along. Then I get up and stand in the middle of the water again and then I called out to the water to rise up for me. It does and my eyes widen in shock and I grin and I make the water rise up higher almost looking like a huge wave. Till I heard someone coming in from behind me and I let out a surprise squeak and the water comes crashing down and splashes all over the place including the person who came in.

"Hey now is that any way to treat your childhood friend Aqua?" The person asks me. I turn around and I see Jake there and my eyes widen in shock. I get out of the pool and I run up to him and hug him tight. Then I let him go and I look at him curiously. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. He laughs and ruffles my wet hair and I stick my tongue out at him. He laughs more and grins and looks me up and down. "I wanted to see if you were ok I heard what happened. I must say I like the way you look in your swimsuit. You sure have developed really well," he says.

I blush and smack his arm. "Very funny dork but it's good to see you. Sorry for wetting you though I was trying to learn how to use my powers," I say blushing more and looking down. He laughs more and hugs me. "It's ok it looks like you have a lot to learn. I can't wait to teach you tomorrow," he says with a smile. I go and sit down on one of the pool chairs and Jake pulls one next to me and sits on it.

We are both quiet for a moment and then he speaks up. "Are you ok? You didn't get hurt by the assault did you?" He asks me worriedly. That's when it dawned on me. He was looking to see if I was hurt but was making a joke about it so it wouldn't look like he was looking to see if I was injured. I blush more. "Yes I'm fine I didn't get hurt they got hurt more than anything if you want me to be honest," I say to him.

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