Love Advice

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Thanks to her and Harumin's actions the previous day, Yuzu had to stay at school late today causing Mei to get home before her. Yuzu knew this and was hoping that by the time she got home they'd at lease be able to have dinner together. Once she arrived home she expected to open the door into the hall and be welcomed home but no one came.

"Strange" she thought after a few moments, as she removed her shoes and headed towards the living room. As she opened the door into the room she was ready to great her family but was cut off by a rather surprising statement. "I'm just unsure how exactly to express to her how I feel". Yuzu wished she hadn't interrupted, she wanted to hear more, but had already opened the door a noticeable amount.

"Ohhh hold that thought dear maybe Yuzu will be able to help!" Ume beamed as she got up and greeted her oldest daughter. "Welcome home Yuzu" Ume said cheerfully as she hugged her. "Thanks," said Yuzu returning the hug "did I interrupt something?" Ume couldn't hide her smile if she wanted to and informed Yuzu "Oh we were just having girls talk, she was telling me about some girl she li.."

"That's enough Mother!" Mei cut her off in a harsher tone than intended. Her ears already red from worry that Yuzu knew what they were talking about she continued "Let's drop it for now and we can continue if we ever some time of just the two of us." Mei felt bad for being so rude but didn't want to let her girlfriend in on any more details as to what they were discussing.

"What are you talking about dear?" Ume rejoined Mei at the table, confused as to her step daughters refusal. She was clearly excited at the thought of having girls talk with both of her girls. "Yuzu is here now so maybe she can offer some advice about this girl you like." Meis' ears started to burn more. "At the very least she might be able to help you express how much you lov....".

"Mother please!" Mei practically yelled in a harsher tone than before. She was mentally scolding herself for being so rude. Before Ume could reply Yuzu finally joined in on the conversation "it's okay Mama. If Mei doesn't wanna let me know about this girl than that's fine". Yuzu sincerely meant it but couldn't help but smile, having a pretty solid idea who Mei is talking about.

Feeling defeated Ume sunk in her seat, upset that not only could she not have girls talk with her daughters but at the fact she didn't get a decent chance to give solid advice to Mei. As much as she wanted to let it be, Mei was hating herself for causing the only Mother who actually cared for her as much sadness as she was currently expressing. Albeit Mei thought it was a little dramatic but important enough to her step mother. Before Yuzu had a chance to leave the room and change Mei decided to swallow her pride and deal with a little bit of embarrassment if it really meant that much to Ume. "She's....beautiful. R..eally beautiful"

This caused Yuzu to stop in her tracks while her face turned as red as Mei's ears, thankful her back was turned towards them. The comment had a completely different affect on Ume since her attitude then did a complete 180. Ume couldn't help but hug Mei and smile, knowing what Mei's last comment meant. "Yuzu go get changed and I'll get us some drinks and snacks". Mei had started to suspect the whole thing was an act but decided to let it go. Once Yuzu left Ume hugged Mei again and told her that this'll be fun. "Fun isn't exactly how I'd put it" thought Mei before either had returned from their task, knowing she would dread the next few minutes.

~5 minutes later~

"So Yuzu, has Mei told you anything about her little crush?" They all were now sitting at the table together, Yuzu next to Mei while Ume was on the other side. "Mother I'd prefer to keep any teasing as minimal as possible." Mei stated while staring outside the window. "Fine fine" Ume told her with big smile on her face, holding her fingers to form a makeshift bridge for her chin. "But Yuzu, HAS she said anything to you about her?"

"Nope. She hasn't told me anything about this mystery girl" Yuzu wasn't technically lying when she said that. Mei hadn't really told her much about how she feels about her and Yuzu couldn't help but want to know. "All I know is that she's apparently really beauti...." Yuzu stopped and once again registered the comment about herself and tried to use her cup to hide her blush. "Really? She said quite a bit about her before you got home. She even told me....oh I'm sorry Mei. It's your crush so you should be the one to explain" Ume said in order to include Mei some more.

"Very well" Mei unenthusiastically said still staring out the window, hoping to avoid eye contact. " of the things I said was we're in the same class so I get to see her quite a bit." Yuzu couldn't help but grin and asked "I bet ya like seeing her so much because she's 'Really beautiful' huh?" Finally able to somewhat acknowledge Meis' opinion about her looks without turning completely red. "Yuzu...." Mei reached over and flicked her girlfriend on the forehead "that teasing rule applies to you too."

Yuzu knew Mei was gonna be mad at all the teasing later but couldn't help but love how adorable she looked when embarrassed. She decided it was best not push it too much. "Sorry...Just was kind of curios." Mei just nodded at the statement. "So what else dear?" Ume asked hoping for things to progress.

Mei thought for a moment, not wanting either of them to get too much information about her crush. "She...has a very welcoming nature. Seems like she'd try to befriend just about anyone". "Despite some of her more annoying qualities she has a good heart and I'm glad that...." She wanted to continue but between the way Ume was looking at her and the fact Yuzu was still able to hear everything she was saying was causing her to be both uncertain and embarrassed. After a few moments of awkward silence, Mei spoke from her heart. "I'm glad that she's in my life" and proceeded to take a long sip from her cup.

Yuzu felt so happy that she could cry, finally hearing even a little about how Mei felt about her. Forgetting their mom was right there Yuzu lunged over and hugged Mei. "Mei I...." finally realizing what she was doing Yuzu freaked out. "I.....I'm glad you're sharing all this, she's a really lucky girl. You got anything to add mama?" She quickly returned to her normal sitting position. Ume was confused at the fact that Yuzu hugging her caused Mei to blush, but decided it didn't matter right now. "Well....How do you think she feels about you?"

Love AdviceWhere stories live. Discover now