Chapter 5

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It was a normal morning for Ume, her daughters had just left for school and she still had an hour before leaving for work. She was upset she'd be working when Shou had to leave later but hoped Yuzu and Mei would be able to see him off. "Well there's nothing I can really do about it," she thought,"guess I may as just watch some television before work."

After making some tea Ume finally started relaxing. She was watching the news seeing if anything exciting had happened but was met with disappointment. All she got through was the weather before getting a phone call.


"Hello, is this 'Ume Aihara'?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"Hello, this is Aiko of Sanno hospital. I'm calling to inform you that your daughter 'Yuzuko Aihara' has been admitted to our hospital."

Ume dropped her phone as all the color drained from her face. "W...wha...t?" All she managed to whisper. Memories of Yuzus' father passing flashed inside her mind as she imagined the worst case scenario.

Realizing she still needed answers, Ume picked up her phone. Trying her best to stay calm, she asked for the name of the hospital. Once she got it, she thanked the caller and hung up.

" Yuzu", all she could think of was receiving the call about Yuzus' father and how she wished she could have said goodbye. Memories of the last time they talk, she kept fearing going through that again.

"Shou! Get up now!" She screamed outside her bedroom. "Not again," she thought, "please not again....". A confused Shou opened door asking what was up. He was greeted by his wife in tears.

"Ume? What's wrong?". Last thing he asked before getting dressed and booking it out of the apartment. Not even 5 minutes later they were on the train. Despite their location, Ume couldn't contain herself and was crying nonstop.

Despite his usual awkwardness, Shou wrapped his arms around her and was genuinely trying to comfort her. He had never lost anyone like Ume did Yuzus' father, nor did he ever experience the fear of losing a child. Shou could only imagine the fear and pain his wife was going through and it was killing him. Not to say he wasn't worried about Yuzu but he was staying strong so Ume wouldn't have to.

After what felt like the longest train ride ever, the couple finally made it to their stop and hastily exited. From there it only took a few minutes to run to the hospital. Once inside, Ume quickly ran up to the reception desk and told them they were here for Yuzu.

"For Yuzuko Aihara you say? Then you must be with that girl over there," the receptionist then pointed to Mei who was quietly sitting alone in the corner. "Yeah...she's my step daughter," Ume was surprised to see Mei here. When she was called she only got the most basic of information, which was where Yuzu was.

After being told to take a seat and that someone will be with them soon, they approached Mei. The closer they got they realized 3 things. First, she was shaking. Second, she was crying. Third, she was constantly whispering something. "Mei? Sweetie? What's wrong?" Ume asked. "No no no no no no no no no no".

"Mei! What's wrong?". "No no no no no no no no no no no no," SMACK. Before Shou had realized, Ume had slapped Mei. Not trying to bruise but trying to snap her out of it. "I'm sorry dear." This got Mei to look up at her parents. "Mother....father....."

"Yes, we're right here!" Ume said as she took Meis' hands. "Are you okay Mei," Shou asked, "you were kind of scaring us." . "'s all my fault." Mei said as she continued to cry and shake. "Your fault? Mei it was not you...."

"Yes it was!" Mei practically screamed.

~earlier that day~

"You were crying in your sleep. And you kept saying 'I'm sorry Yuzu'. If something is wrong then you can tell me! I'll help you, you know you can tell me anything."

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