Christmas Party pt 2

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Yuzu instantly stiffened in her seat at the mention of her step grandfather coming over.

"Pfffft," Shou shot out some of the beverage he was drinking. "You invited my father??"

"Yup!" Ume beamed, "Girls why don't you go and answer the door."

"Alright.....Yuzu?" Mei asked, making sure she was okay with it. Yuzu simply nodded and smiled as they got up.

"You ready?" Mei asked her blonde lover after Yuzu took her hand.

" a lot I gotta..we gotta say." Yuzu spoke as she looked down at her ring.

Ever since Mei proposed, Yuzu wore the ring religiously. Outside of school, she only took it off when either bathing or sleeping. Only when sleeping to not potentially damage it.

Of course Mei was the same, she wore the ring Yuzu gave her as often. They had agreed to always wear them together, so during school they wore them as necklaces. That way, they feel together while apart.

"Good evening, grandfather." Mei said as she opened the door and bowed.

"H-hey grandfather..." Yuzu bowed in unison with Mei, still hand in hand.

"Oh, Mei..." the elder Aihara spoke after adjusting his glasses, giving Mei a slight bow in return. "Good evening."

"And good evening to you, Yuzuko." The man said in a surprisingly calm manner.

"Y-yeah. Good evening." Yuzu replied.

"Thank you for having me over," the man continued. He had noticed the ring on Yuzus' finger almost instantly. Mei had noticed the bag he had but didn't really question it.

"Thanks for coming and uhhh...." Yuzu scratched the back of her neck nervously, "Thank you...for everything...the ring...the wedding....finals...everything."

The man found it slightly funny how awkward Yuzu was while she spoke and as she bowed right after.

"Of course," the elder Aihara stated, "Mei made it adamantly clear that it's what she wanted in life."

Yuzu looked over in awe at her lover who had begun to blush in her ear tips.

" is," Mei started despite the blush, "but thank you, Grandfather. It means the world to Yuzu and Me."

"Before I forget. Apologies," the old man spoke, "I wasn't able to attend the engagement party you had invited me to due to unforeseen circumstances regarding work. Thank you for the invitation however."

"And congratulations on the engagement, I look forward to the ceremony." he concluded.

"N...none of this would've been possible without you," Yuzu sorta repeated, "so thank you. We'll never forget this." The engaged couple gave him a deep bow together. Of course they still were holding each other's hands.

"Of course...we're family after all." the man said with a little bit of an awkward tone behind it.

"Alright I'll finally and formally introduce everyone." Shou said after the trio had entered the room.

"You should've a year ago." Ume teased while he chuckled nervously.

"This is my father," he gestured towards his father. "Dad, this is my wife Ume, my step daughter Yuzu....who you already know."

"And over here," he walked behind April and placed a hand on her shoulder, "is my youngest daughter, April."

Deciding he had to start somewhere, the elder Aihara bowed in Umes' direction. "It's an honor to meet you Ume. And I do apologize for being late." He said while pulling out a box of cookies from his bag.

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