Dress Shopping

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"U....zu....," Mei groaned in her sleep as she tossed around the almost vacant bed. Usually she'd be holding, or being held by, Yuzu, preventing any tossing from either of them.

But even asleep Mei could feel something was off, her Yuzu was nowhere to be found. No extra warmth thanks to the blonde or no delightful scent.

"Yu....zu....?" Mei's hand Idly searched for her lover. Usually Mei would feel Yuzu or accidentally touch somewhere and be able to hear Yuzu's panic.

Alas, Mei found nothing. Filled with disappointment, Mei opened her eyes and sat up. The closest to Yuzu in the room being their mini collection of bears include LAM.

As she thought, there was no Yuzu. "She must be doing something." Mei thought as a yawn escaped her lips.

Leaving the room, Mei's nose was hit with the smell of various foods being cooked. She couldn't fight a small as she walked to the kitchen, fully expecting her fiancé to be preparing breakfast like usual.

"Hey, the Prez is finally awake," a voice called out as Mei had left the hallway.

"Taniguchi?" Mei asked, feeling taken back. "What are you...,"

"Mei! Goooood morning!" While trying to process why Harumi was here, Mei felt something wrap itself around her.

Before she could say anything, the one who wrapped their self around Mei had placed a soft kiss on her cheek. That caused her to blush as her smile returned.

"Yuzu...good morning Love," she had returned the gesture, not even caring about their guests. It was her apartment after all.

"Only together for a few seconds and already all over each other," an envy filled voice spoke.

"Himeko?" Mei asked as she realized her best friend was also here. She had felt bad that Harumi was noticed first.

"Mei Mei, good morning." Himeko smiled as Yuzu went back to preparing food for everyone.

"Yeah...good morning," Mei responded, still feeling confused at the company they had. Yuzu having Harumi over was one thing. While Mei would've liked to have been told, she understood and was okay with that.

Himeko and Harumi however, that wasn't something Mei had expected.

"Don't worry Mei," Yuzu once again caught Meis attention. "I'll make sure we all have plenty of energy for today!"

Mei stared idly at Yuzu as she tried to put together what she meant. It was the weekend so there wasn't any school, no student council work either.

"We were thinking we should all try a couple, really see what looks nice and what doesn't." Harumi added and Yuzu nodded.

"Yeah. Though we are gonna have To find a few so it could be a long day. I know Harumin and I are ready but I don't know about....,"

"I said I'll be fine!" Himeko snapped, making Yuzu and Harumi giggle. "I can handle anything to support my best friend."

"Cmon vice prez," Harumi laughed. "It could be a couple of hard hours so we should laugh when we can."

"I can't tell you how long it took to find what I wore for our anniversary Mei," Yuzu said as she noticed the confused look on Meis face.

Being so close to such an adorable sight made Yuzus' heart race. Mei had always looked cute when trying to think, especially when it's not school work or something genuinely stressful.

"What's up?" Yuzu finally asked while Harumin and Himeko went back and forth.

"I'm sorry," Mei started, "I'm not entirely sure what everyone is talking about."

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