Yuzus' Birthday

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"Happy birthday, Yuzu." Mei smiled as she handed Yuzu the package she bought for her. Inside the little bundle were a few items, a cute little panda plushie, an apron with a heart over the chest, a pair of fuzzy red socks and a few more smaller items Mei couldn't remember.

The sound of the ocean was a perfect background ambience for the gift giving. It wasn't loud, but soothing and a gentle reminder of the world beyond the balcony they sat on.

"Aww thanks wifey!" Yuzu grinned as she began opening up her present.

Mei wasn't sure how much Yuzu would like this gift, but with all the window shopping or even general shopping it was hard to find something She'd really want for her birthday. Not to mention Yuzu hardly ever left her side; so Mei had to be careful about what she purchased and when.

This package had a few small things in it that she was certain Yuzu would at least kinda like, and given there's a few items it seemed like the best choice.

"Oh wow." Yuzu beamed as she held her apron up against her. "You Must think I'd look cute in this huh?"

"T-that wasn't my intention!" Mei insisted in spite of her blushing ears.

"Hehe." Yuzu giggled. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to give it plenty of use."

Mei watched as Yuzu pulled out the red socks. "Hey thanks! These feel super soft! Here, feel." Yuzu offered one of the socks to Mei.

In the store the socks looked like they'd be soft, Mei couldn't feel them due to the sealed packaging. But she was happy to find that yes they're not only soft but Yuzu also really enjoys how they felt.

"Awww!" Yuzu gushed as she pulled out a small plush panda. "It's so cute!"

"I'm glad you like it." Mei smiled as Yuzu squeezed the panda. Nothing in the gift was particularly amazing but Mei hoped a bunch of decent gifts would combine into being a proper one for Yuzu.

"Here, you try!" Yuzu handed the stuffed animal to Mei. Not having any reason not to, Mei took the panda and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Wow..." Mei was surprised. "It's soft, really soft."

"I gotta look into the material it's made of, I would love a pillow like this." Yuzu poked the panda that was still in Meis' hands.

Curious if Yuzus' idea was plausible, Mei brought the small animal to her cheek and began nuzzling it. Yuzu wasn't sure but had an inkling of a feeling that Mei could've fallen asleep right then and then.

Mei looked lost in her own little world, like their honeymoon and even Yuzu were nothing more than an afterthought. For as cute as Mei looked, Yuzu felt more concerned than anything.

"Uhh...Mei?" Yuzu waved her hand in front of her sleepy lover.

"Yes....yeah?" Mei snapped out of it, shocked at how easily she allowed herself to reach such a peaceful state.

"I'll hold onto that for now, I wouldn't want you falling asleep yet." Yuzu giggled as she took the stuffed bear back from mei.

"Yes..thank you." Mei cleared her throat.

They didn't have to say it, both Yuzu and Mei knew this night was far from over. Before they came here, Yuzu and Mei had only been...physical a few times. Since beginning their honeymoon the pair was confident they may have doubled that number.

Guess that's why they call this the honeymoon phase.

Their "sex schedule" was long gone, now both Yuzu and Mei just wanted it more than once a month. That minimum was one that was no longer necessary, easy work for the thriving newlyweds.

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