Wedding pt 5 The Reception

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"Gotta hand it to ya Mei, that was one hell of a speech ya gave back there." Harumi chuckled before sipping on her beverage.

"Thank you Harumi," Mei responded in her usual calm tone. Despite now being in a conversation with one of the maids of honor, Meis attention was still drawn to her new wife.

"I'll admit I was pretty surprised you not only thought of it all but even said it in front of everyone." Harumi laughed. "Keep forgetting how lovey dovey you are when it comes to yuzu."

"I know right!" Yuzu cut in, full of smiles and taking Meis arm. "I had high expectations but she completely shattered them!"

"I-I knew you'd be giving me your best," Mei admitted a bit timidly. "So I wanted to make sure to return what you've given me."

"You'll always get my best, wifey!" Yuzu smiled before kissing Mei on the cheek. It was a bit of a longer kiss but necessary to Yuzu in order to give even a fraction of all of her love through to Mei.

Through the corner of her eye Harumi swore she could've seen a part of the other maid of honors' heart shattered. Instead of pain however, the maid of honor complimented their work.

"These centerpieces are beautiful, didn't you pick them out Yuzu?" Himeko asked. Her attempt to be nice and courteous to the brides gave her some surprised expression rather than the answer she was expecting.

"W-what?" Himeko asked, wondering if she had accidentally messed up her hair.

"Sorry I was just a little surprised," Yuzu laughed it off. "Usually you call me 'Yuzu Aihara' or just 'Aihara' at school."

"I take it to mean you and Yuzu are officially friends?" Mei asked as if she could already read her wife's mind.

"W-well...." Himeko stammered, now being a bit flustered. She hadn't really ever put a label onto hers and Yuzus relationship, especially at school. But now here she was, best friends with Yuzus wife and even sitting at their table during their reception.

"Even Mei and I are friends," Harumi chimed in matter of factly. "Aren't we prez?"

"Of course, Harumi." Mei smiled at her friend. It was hard to even consider them to be anything else in meis mind. Harumi was Yuzus best friend and even was willing to help Mei pick out something to wear tonight. Never before had Mei gone shopping like that and it took a huge weight off her shoulders when Harumi came with her.

After that it was just a truth to Mei. She viewed Harumi as her friend, even if they don't usually do stuff by themselves.

While that was all true Mei couldn't help but go along with Harumis attempt to mess with Himeko a bit. What are friends for Afterall?

"O-of course we are!" Himeko said after clearing her throat. "I'm friends with Yuzu Aih....." her face began to burn red. Such a bold declaration and she goofed it by trying to speak in typical mannerisms.

"Awww," Yuzu grinned, felt like she was doing it a lot today but every single one was real. "Thanks Himeko! I'm glad we're friends too!"

"I...wouldn't go that far..." Himeko thought but continued to smile. It probably would've been funny to say out loud but she couldn't bring to do it. Mainly because Himeko was grateful that Yuzu came into their lives and because of that Mei Mei was set to have a future with the love of her life. So yeah, Himeko was glad to have her friend.

"Now.... are we friends?" Harumi asked as she grabbed Himekos hand.

"Oh come on!" Himeko whined. Everyone else at their small little table began laughing at her embarrassment.

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