Chapter 4

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"Rain.....greaaaaat," Yuzu sighed as she was mentally preparing the idea she'd have to run through the rain. It being the end of the school day, getting soaked wasn't exactly on the top of ideas of a fun time. "Or maybe I can share an umbrella with Harumin....who left early today" she kept hoping she could think of some way to get home not soaked. Running was an absolute last resort.

"Aihara." Hearing Mei address her at school was actually somewhat surprising for Yuzu but she never minded. "Oh, Mei hi." "Here" Mei said as she handed her an umbrella. As glad as Yuzu was she couldn't help but worry, "won't you need this Mei?" After a sigh Mei responded "I brought two, Aihara."

"Why would you bring two?" Not wanting to be honest Mei just handed her the umbrella and told her "just because." It didn't take long for Yuzu to realize the real reason while she walked home. This, of course, made her smile like a fool at her girlfriend being so caring.

After arriving home Yuzu was greeted by Ume, who looked like she had something on her mind. "Something wrong Mama?" "Yuzu we need to talk." Yuzu had a fairly good idea what it'd be about but agreed nonetheless.

"What's up?" She asked her mother. Ume knew Yuzu was insecure enough that Mei actually worried so she had to be careful about what she says. "You know I love you right?" Yuzu nodded. "And I love Mei. And since I love you two I want you to be happy. Happy as a couple and comfortable while you're home."

"I...don't know mama I just..." Ume reached and took her hand. "Sweetie, I will never make you feel bad for being who you are. I know how long you've wanted, well love. And now you have it right?" Yuzu could help but smile and blush.

"Y..yeah. I do". "Then you have nothing to be ashamed or scared of. Love is love after all. And I'm not saying I want to walk in on you two...well..cough cough". This granted Yuzu a blush and made her freak out "We'd haven't done anything like that!"

Ume couldn't help but laugh at her daughters reaction "But you get what I mean right? If you two wanna do things like hold hands and cuddle then you don't have to be embarrassed. As a mother, all I want is for my girls to be happy. And if doing stuff like that will make you happy then by all means."

"Are....are you sure? Sure you won't hate us or be disgusted?" At this point Ume knew she was making a breakthrough so she got up and hugged Yuzu. "Of course. I could never hate you. How can I be disgusted when I'm so happy my daughters are happy?" At this point Yuzu couldn't help but cry as she hugged her mother "thanks mama."

For 30 minutes after Ume saying what she needed to say, Yuzu talked about things she and Mei have done. Of course she left out things like Christmas and majority of what happened before they started dating. Ume was curious as to how her daughters ended up lovers but knew that she already pushed them enough, if they don't just tell her than that'd be fine.

"Oh that's her!" Yuzu got up and went to greet her lover who had just arrived. "Welcome home Mei" She said as she gave Mei a hug. "Thanks, Yuzu." Mei tried to return the hug but was still pretty bad at returning hugs when she didn't expect them. Taking her lovers hand Yuzu told her about everything that they had discussed that day.

Mei, of course was glad to hear it went so well. The fact Yuzu was casually holding her hand really showed the progress. "And I think I'm ready....ready to take a big step forward." Mei was ready to ask what Yuzu meant but was cut off by Yuzus lips against her own. Naturally, Meis' hands found themselves on Yuzus' hips, enjoying the moment.

"Surprise! I have returned!" Shou declared as he walked into a confusing sight. His daughter kissing his step daughter while his wife just smiled. Yuzu and Mei, Mei more so were petrified. "Uhhhhhh,"
Shou said as he looked at his wife. "You two wanna tell him or should I?"

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