My Azalea

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"I can't." Mei said out of fear, making Yuzu instantly stop.

"I...I...," Mei continued regretfully as Yuzu got up, feeling ready to cry. She reached for Yuzu who felt like she out of her reach.

"No. It's okay....I understand." Yuzu said flatly while fighting tears. "I'm feeling tired. Night." She hastily left as a few tears fell.

"Don't go...." Mei thought as she curled into a ball. "Please....Yuzu..."

"What....what was that?!?!"

"What is this!?!?"

"Why'd I say no???"

"Better yet why did"

"I refuse to even almost blame her"

"I'm sure she just wanted to make me happy...."

"Oh god! Why did I grab her butt???"

"That must've confused her...made her think I wanted to..."

"Do I?"

"What about our promise??"

"I'm just using our promise as an excuse"

"She didn't mind...."

"So what's stopping me?"

"Am I scared? Of what? Of Yuzu?"

"It's Yuzu. I have nothing to be afraid of with her."

"Nothing at all...."

"She's given me everything....her heart....her body...."

"I should make this right....but how?"

"Should I try and initiate something?"

"What if she doesn't wanna anymore?"

"It'd be humiliating...AGAIN."

"But she clearly wants to...."


"We want what's stopping us?" Mei thought as she got up at went to her bedroom door.

With one last deep breath, she opened the door to find Yuzu. She was still shirtless and was holding onto the doorknob as if she was about to open it.

"Mei listen....I..," Yuzu got silenced when Mei shut her up with a kiss. A surprisingly strong kiss that lead to an impromptu make out session right there in the doorway.

"M...Mei?" Yuzu asked as she caught her breath. Still saying nothing, Mei closed the door behind her before she took Yuzus' hand and approached their bed together.

"W...would you like to continue?" Mei asked as they stood by their bed. Her heart racing as she spoke.

"A-are you sure?" Yuzu stammered. "I-I mean if you don't wanna it's fine really. I should've asked before I...." she burned as she recalled minutes ago. Her hands flew to her face to hide her humiliation.

"I'm sorry Mei! I don't know what I was thinking. But....if you want to my...'offer' stands." Yuzu said. She couldn't believe the words escaped her lips.

She expected an actual reply but instead got light laughter. "Huh?" Yuzu opened her eyes to see Mei laying on the bed laughing.

"Wh..what's so funny?" Yuzu asked feeling slightly humiliated again. She was completely ignoring the fact she was still topless.

"I'm sorry love," Mei smiled as her laughing ended. "Really. I just thought it was humorous how complicated we're making this."

"Hm.." Yuzu thought about it and saw how Mei would find it a little funny. "Yeah I guess so." She chuckled.

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