Harumis' call for help

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"Hello?" Yuzu asked.

"Yuzucchi I need your help." A panicked Harumi declared through the phone. "I messed up!"

"Harumin what's going on?" Yuzu asked. "You messed up?"

"Yeah I messed up okay!" Harumi groaned over the phone. "I'm sorry, I know you and Mei are probably busy doing...couple things together."

"H-hey!" Yuzu barked at her best friend, her tone leaving Mei concerned.

"I'm sorry but I really need your help!" Harumi insisted.

"Alright alright just calm down Harumin!" Yuzu got off Mei as her wife watched with concern. "What happened? How did you mess up?"

"Okay it was a few days ago...."

~days earlier~

"Wow Matsuri, this is your home!?" Nina rather loudly declared. "This flat is so huge!"

"Nina," Sara sighed. "Please keep it down; there's neighbors....right?"

The fatigue of today's events had started setting in on everyone. Sara felt tired and ready for bed, meanwhile Nina felt as awake as ever. Even the young ones were nodding off while on the ride over. Meanwhile Harumi and Matsuri were dazed but for vastly different reasons.

"Yeah, there's a few." Matsuri pointed out, choosing to be polite rather than her usual teasing self.

"Oh, sorry!" Nina apologized.

"It's fine. I'll go get the bath running for you two." Matsuri's rather mundane tone was concerning but the Tachibanas thanked her yet again as she was left.

Meanwhile, being the closest thing to a close friend to her, Harumi found April sticking with her. Inori was also sticking together with the small group but for some other reason, being too tired to focus on being a good host. Not that Harumi was much better herself, having a lot on her mind.

"Are..are you alright?" April asked as she lightly tugged on Harumis dress.

"Huh?" Harumi looked down at the obviously nervous looking girl. It made sense all things considered, Harumi blamed herself for not being more on top of things.

"You okay?" Harumi patted the young girl's head.

"Y-yeah, you were just standing there looking spaced out." April pointed out.

"Sorry about that." Harumi reassured her. "Was Just thinking."

"What were ya thinkin about?" Inori asked as his sister returned to the room.

".....things...." Harumi sighed. She already didn't wanna get into all the details, especially not right now.

"Sis can we watch a movie?" Inori asked, happy to see Matsuri returning.

"Sure but let April pick what to watch." Matsuri spoke in her sisterly tone as she put April on the spot.

"M..me?" April immediately grew nervous. She could pick something that the Tachibanas find Boring. Or worse: What if she picked something that He thought was lame? It wouldn't exactly help their newly formed friendship.

"You're our guest." Matsuri smiled warmly down at Yuzus' little sister. "Plus I'm sure you're a bit nervous, this way you'll hopefully be at ease."

"Right..." April gulped. She knew Matsuri meant well but somehow that made her more nervous about choosing.

Reluctantly , April ended up taking control of the tv in the Mizasawa living room. Matsuri had hoped this would put her at ease but the poor girl ended up just browsing anxiously for 20 minutes. Matsuri did send Ume a text asking about what April enjoyed watching and after getting a response sighed after seeing the young girl pass by it several times.

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