Wedding Finale

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"Ugh, where did Harumi go off to?" Himeko muttered to herself as she looked around the reception room. "We agreed to share the surprise!"

Yuzu and Mei were currently waiting for their cake to be fully prepared for them. The cake itself had been done before for some time now; however, to their surprise Himeko had asked them to wait before cutting it.

Harumi and her had planned a small little surprise for the brides once they have their cake and without the aforementioned maid of honor there it wouldn't feel right. Himeko wasn't about to take all the credit for this surprise, while she did help it was mainly Harumis idea for them. Himeko only agreed to contribute because Harumi had argued it'd be a fun little gift for the couple.

Fortunately the mentioning that Harumi and her had prepared a little surprise had peaked Yuzus' interest, that with Meis' manners made them happily decide to wait until the other maid of honor was retrieved.

Now Himeko was hastily searching for the other maid of honor. They had a lot of guests, and a few children, waiting patiently for some cake. Only added more pressure in Himekos quest to locate Harumi.

She had searched the main hall to no avail, apparently no one had really seen her since her dance with Matsuri. Eventually Himeko made her way past the grown up table where a reliable Senpai had hinted at the potential whereabouts. After a quick thank you Himeko made her way to the hall and was finally in view of the restroom.

Naturally she assumed that's where Harumi had gone, the only other rooms in this hall were for the brides and a coat closet. But why would Harumi be in the closet?

"EEEEK!" Himeko squeaked once the closet door flung open in front of her, almost slamming into the maid of honor.

Much like Harumi, Matsuri had slowly made her way out of the closet. Matsuri was alone and walked out slowly, her calm and slow demeanor only enraging Himekos, Whose heart hasn't stopped racing thanks to the door.

"You!" Himeko barked. "Why on earth would you throw a door open like that! You could've hit someone and I could've gotten...."

"I'm sorry Senpai," Matsuri spoke in an oddly welcoming tone. It wasn't her usual bullshit tone, she seemed genuinely warm as she spoke with such care.

"You're!" Himeko paused in the middle of her lecturing. "Sorry? You're sorry?"

"Yes I'm sorry," matsuris' eyes never looked so relaxed and calm. That with her caring tone had sent shivers down himeko's spine, what was she planning? Even without knowing Matsuri that well, Himeko was told to keep her guard up by Mei. And Yuzu. And Harumi. And Nene....

"What are you planning??" Himeko stared the younger girl down. Her tone was serious but her eyes seemed cautious of the pink haired devil.

"Nothing at all Senpai," Matsuris' voice continued to come out as smooth as silk. "I'm sorry and I'll be more careful when I open doors."

"Uhhh...." Himeko was flabbergasted. She knew Matsuri wasn't one to submit so easily and would probably already be in an argument with Mei.

Himeko wasn't one to make such drastic assumptions about people. However, with how dazed Matsuri looked and how calm she was speaking, the maid of honor couldn't ignore the possibility that Matsuri had consumed something in the closet. There was alcohol being served yes but most guests weren't 20 and over.

She swiftly smelt for anything off putting, worried something inappropriate had made its way into Mei Meis' wedding. Her search generated zero results and Himeko sighed in relief.

Matsuri smiled at her Senpai before making her way back to the reception hall. Even the way she walked was off....she'd sway a little bit after each step and was taking her sweet time even walking 5 feet. Something else seemed off, were her legs weak??

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