Halloween Special

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"Come on...." Mei grunted as she struggled to fit such a tiny arm through a sleeve. It didn't help that her and Yuzus little bundle of joy was feeling overly excited today and was waving their arms around. But a part of Mei was worried she'd hurt their precious baby if she made the arm go through.

Of course She had dressed their baby before but this was a rather time sensitive situation. Yuzu was getting ready and Mei insisted she'd take care of the baby's Halloween costume. Mei wanted to make sure their bundle of joy was ready for their mama and everyone else to see.

Regarding the costume, Mei had a feeling Yuzu would love it. Especially since Mei had also insisted on taking care of their own costumes too. Of course Yuzu wasn't gonna say no to The offer and ever since Mei took that duty for herself had been excited to see her small little family all dressed up.

Even Mei felt a sense of pride as she struggled to get her happy baby into the outfit. This felt like such a motherly thing to do, something normal that they could offer their child.

Her and Yuzus outfits were similar but not as flashy, Mei loved her family but wasn't sure if she'd be willing to humiliate herself.

"There we go!" Mei sighed in delight as her baby's arm finally slid through the sleeve, allowing the mother to finally zip on their costume onesie.

The baby looked up at their mommy with beautiful eyes , looking as if they understood anything that was going on around them.

"Oh my...," Mei felt her cheeks instantly turn into a smile as their baby watched her, she still holding onto the baby so they won't fall over.

Mei was simply overwhelmed by cuteness, seriously the baby was already adorable enough to make Mei cry (on only a few occasions) but dressed up broke Meis will. She instantly pulled her phone out and captured a few photos of one of the most adorable things she laid her eyes on.

"We gotta go show mama." Mei told the child, they still weren't much aware of everything but hearing Yuzu mention did make them smile.

Carrying her child to the door, Mei opened it and yelled. "Yuzu, the costume is all ready for you to see!"

Mei smiled as Yuzu came dashing across the hallway, a wide smile on her face and phone in hand to capture every adorable angle of her angel. Seems she too had been excited to see what Mei had planned.

"Alright let's....." Yuzu stopped and stared at the baby Mei was holding. Correction, she stopped and stared at the baby cub Mei was holding.

Mei had dressed their baby up in an adorable little baby bear costume, complete with little paws on the feet.

"Awwwwwwwwww!" Yuzus eyes sparkled in awe as she tried to take the baby from her wife. Mei of course gladly handed them over right before Yuzu started attacking the baby's cheek with kisses.

"How are you so cute!?" Yuzu continued to place kisses on her child's cheek, earning delighted giggles from the baby.

"Who's my adorable baby bear??" Yuzu asked rhetorically as Mei lightly poked the baby's tummy, making the baby happily jump in joy.

"I take it you like the costume," Mei asked.

"I LOVE this costume," Yuzu smiled before kissing Mei on the cheek. "Here, you get some kisses too."

Mei smiled and returned the gesture, she'd like a full kiss but this will definitely do.

"WAHHHHH!" The baby screamed out, startling the mother's. Fortunately Yuzu had good enough grip and the fussing was easy to counter thanks to experience

"I didn't forget you..." Mei gave her child a soft kiss on the cheek. That combined with Yuzus soft rocking had worked miracles and the baby let its little temper tantrum go.

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