Love explained

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"Woaaah, that's insane Yuzucchi!" Harumin exclaimed while Yuzu was telling her about the last few days.

"Yeah tell me about it," Yuzu sighed, "the woman never even tried to contact Mei AND didn't even act like she cares about April."

Yuzu considered telling Harumin about everything yesterday but in the end she didn't bother. Instead, she focused on having a good first day back to school.

"Sounds like the prez really gave her a a piece of her mind though," Harumin added.

"She was so brave....," Yuzu said, smiling like a fool. "I couldn't believe it but it was incredible, the way she stood up for us."

Harumin couldn't help but feel a shiver down her spine. She could only imagine the horrors the student council President was capable of when angry.

"So now you gotta share a room with 2 step sisters? Can't say I envy you," Harumin said before taking a bite of her lunch.

"Actually....," Yuzu blushed and covered her face with her hands, "we live together!"

"Well...yeah," Harumin laughed, "that's been well known for a while now."

"I meant WE live together, just us." Yuzu smile grew more and more.

"You didn't get kicked out did you Yuzucchi?????" Harumin said in genuine shock.

"No," the blonde laughed, "I thought so for a second as well but no. See... Mama said having 3 of us sharing a room could be too cluttered and that since...," Yuzu looked around again and made sure no one else could hear.

"And since we're getting married in a few months we should have privacy." She whispered after leaning closer to Harumin.

"Oh. Wait. You guys now have your own place?" Harumin asked.

"Yeah" Yuzu said , "best part is it's right below our old apartment so we're all still close. Not much really changed."

Yuzu was still kind of upset she wasn't directly living with Ume but she knew as long as she had Mei by her side it would all be okay.

"Wow.....ya know, you're pretty incredible Yuzucchi," Harumin said before taking a piece of Yuzus' food.

"I am?"

"Yup. I mean you're engaged, happily. That's more than most the girls here can say. And you've already moved out," Harumin chuckled, "I'm nowhere near that close to any of that."

"Ar..are you lonely Harumin?? I'm sure I could find someone for you if you wanted," the blonde offered.

"No no no no," Harumin replied with a slight panic, "I'm fine, really. It's just impressive for someone our age ya know?"

"She's right...," Yuzu thought, "most girls our age aren't engage or have even moved out...this is all thanks to Mei."

"Mei really has made my life incredible....I hope I've made hers the same," Yuzu continued to think to herself.

"Hello? Earth to Yuzucchi," Harumin said, getting her best friends' attention.

"Huh???" Yuzu was confused.

"You were just sitting there, smiling like a fool."

"Oh, I was??? Sorry I was thinking," Yuzu nervously chuckled.

"You can day dream about the student council prez later," Harumin started, "but lunch is over."

The rest of the day flew by and before the blonde knew, she was on her way home. When she didn't see Mei, Harumin or Nene she knew she'd be walking alone.

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