Love Advice 2

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"The truth is, I'm in love with you. I promise I will need you, always." Memories of Yuzus' confession and the kiss that followed replayed in Meis' mind, remembering everything she felt as if it was yesterday. "You okay dear?" This snapped Mei out of her love daze. "I'm sorry?" "You looked kind of red, made us worry a little." Yuzu wished she could've taken a picture of how adorable she thought her girlfriend looked.

"I'm fine.....sorry. What were you saying? Mei hoped her step mom had forgotten the question. "I asked how do you think she feels about you." "Oh, right.....well I believe she..". She knew how Yuzu felt about her but wasn't sure where saying it's mutual love would take this conversation. "I bet she loves you."

Everyone turned and looked at Yuzu as she continued. "For real Mei, I think she loves you.....a lot." It was now Yuzus turn to turn red after indirectly reminding her girlfriend of her feelings. Seeing an opportunity to tease her lover and have a little fun of her own, Mei asked "What do you think she'd say if I asked her out on a date?" Fully knowing Yuzu would love it."Oh....she'd say.."

"That's a great idea!" Ume smiled as she continued "Mei you should ask her on a date!" Yuzu was mentally freaking out over all the possible ways Mei could ask her on a date. All the scenarios,all the dates, everything just seemed so perfect. Mei on the other hand wasn't ready for her plan to backfire. "I.....wouldn't even know what to do or say.....what do you think Yuzu?" Mei was kinda hoping she could get some tips about Yuzu that's not in their notebook.

"Oh Mei I loved to" Yuzu instantly snapped out of her little daze into the sudden realization of what she had just said. "I....uhhh....gotta use the bathroom" as Yuzu left Ume asked "Did she not sleep well last night? She's acting kinda weird." Mei knew Yuzu had slept like a baby, that morning she was still in her arms sleeping peacefully when Mei woke up. Using her best straight face Mei said "I believe she slept very well last night." And proceeded to drink her tea.

"I'm back...sorry I just really had to go." Yuzu had finally calmed down and rejoined her mother and lover at the table. "Did I miss anything?" "Oh Mei was just telling me that her crush is a good kisser, that's all." This caused Mei to start choking on her drink and Yuzu full on spit hers out. "I said no such thing!" Mei was starting to think if this really was worth her step mothers' happiness. "Also what did I say about teasing, mother?

Ume couldn't hear a word she was saying for she was too busy laughing at her daughters's reactions. " I'm sorry," she laughed more "really I am!" Neither of the teens believed her though. "We're done with this discussion. Do you have ANY other questions to add mother?" Mei was done, between the embarrassment and the getting laughed at she was just done.

"What's her name?" A question Mei has been doing a good job dodging. "As I said mother, I'll tell you her name eventually. I've said enough for the day." "Alright alright, worth a shot. I guess we can call it a day. Now, who wants dinner?" Yuzu did have something's she wanted to ask Mei but figured it can certainly wait until they were going to sleep.

~a few hours later at bed time~

"Mei." Yuzu said in an odd demeanor for her, one of such happiness and joy to now being scared and worried. "Yes, Yuzu?" "After hearing you say so much to Mama about who you you think I should too?" Mei thought it was a weird question, if Yuzu wishes to tell Ume that she has a crush that's fine as long as she doesn't say too much, she thought that was obvious.

"Yuzu you're free to say anything you want to too her. Just be sure not to say too much about...". "That's not what I'm asking!" She didn't mean to be so loud or to cut off Mei but she couldn't help it. Confused Mei asked "What exactly are you asking?" After a few moments Yuzu finally asked "Do you think she'd accept me...and how I am...a lesbian?"

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