Mei, and Yuzus' cake

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"I'm such a failure!" Yuzu whined for what felt like 100th time as she pulled another ruined cake from the oven.

"You're no failure Yuzu," Mei sighed while putting down the book she was reading. "Not only have you barely cooked in the last few months but you haven't baked a cake in a year. It's only natural to fail."

Yuzu was cooking in the kitchen while Mei was sitting in their living room with a book Ume lent her and some tea. Meaning Mei heard every one of Yuzus' failed attempts to bake a Christmas cake.

"Yeah I know...but still!" Yuzu lifted the recent failure, "it doesn't make attempt #7 any better of a cake."

"Why don't you take a break? You've been at it since we returned from the store," Mei offered.

"I can't yet! The Christmas party is the day after tomorrow and I need to have a cake ready," Yuzu said as she threw away the latest failure and begun starting another.

"I see.....," Mei went to continue reading but stopped, "then how about you join me on the couch? I could help you with your homework."

Mei knew it was important to Yuzu to have that cake made but that didn't make it easier. Yuzu had been slaving away and failing for quite some time; she deserved a break.

Not only did Yuzu deserve one but it was clear to Mei she needed one. Yuzu has been either walking or standing for almost 2 hours now and it wasn't good for her. "Her muscles might feel exhausted by now" Mei thought.

Yuzu had been cast free for little more than a week and has made a surprising amount of progress. She could walk to school and home no problem albeit not necessarily fast. But that didn't mean she could stand non stop for two hours. This is what caused concern in Mei.

"Already done," Yuzu lazily said as she begun mixing her ingredients. Her refusal irked Mei.

"Alright.....we could cuddle," Mei offered with a smirk, certain in her trump card.

"We'll cuddle later Mei don't worry," Yuzu didn't even look up from her baking that time.

"That's it!" Mei thought as she got up and approached Yuzu. The blonde never refused cuddling before. Yuzu felt a tap on her shoulder and when she turned she felt Meis grab her hand.

"Yuzu," Mei said sounding serious, "I'm serious. As your future wife, your well being means everything to me. When I say you need a break I mean it." Despite the serious tone, Yuzu could see the pleading look in her lovers eyes.

"One more attempt? I've already started it and it'd be a waste," Yuzu hugged her fiancé. "Then, I'm yours for the rest of the night."

"Very well...," Mei agreed feeling glad Yuzu was calling it a night soon.

"Oops sorry Mei!" Yuzu said while trying not laugh. The older girl was laughing at the cake batter that went from her apron to Meis' clothes. "I'll clean your shirt later tonight."

"It's fine," Mei sighed, "you probably just wanted me to take it off huh?" She whispered into Yuzus' ear.

"Nonono! I wanted to hug you I swear!" Yuzu said with a blush and a panic, almost dropping her whisk.

"Hmmm," Mei thought for a moment, "very well. I'll believe that. Remember, last attempt than you're all mine."

"Y-yeah. Last attempt and I'm yours." Yuzu managed to focus on baking enough that she didn't notice Mei went to change her shirt.

Several minutes later....

"Mei!" Yuzu said, startling her fiancé. She was holding her latest attempt up for her love to see.

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