Chapter 9

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Tension filled the air as the game winded down to the final two. Everyone's' eyes focused souly on the remaining players. "It's your turn, Matsuri," Mei commented as she stared her opponent down.

"Yeah yeah I know I know," Matsuri retorted. The game of cards had started with 6 players but thanks to Matsuri that number steadily decreased. Thanks to her poker face, Mei was immune to any tricks of Matsuris.

"How bout a kiss for luck, Taniguchi?" Matsuri said with a smirk. "Or you Yuzu" she added trying to get to Mei.

"Win and I'll give you a high 5," Harumin flatly said while mentally rooting for Mei. She had been the first out and wasn't too fond of the match.

"Stop stalling" Mei said in her president voice. "Play your turn or give up, Matsuri."

Matsuri pulled a card from Meis' deck and didn't react, trying her best for her poker face. Fortunately, she had one last trump card she could pull to try and get to Mei.

"Geez Mei are you trying so hard to win to show you're Yuzus' best little sister?" Matsuri said as Mei took a card from her own deck.

"Don't be absurd. I'm playing to win because that is the objective. Not some childish motive." Mei calmly said.

"Yeah I guess I can't really compete. After all you kiss Yuzu a lot and probably have sex like every night." Matsuri said taking a card from Meis' deck.

"Matsuri!" Yuzu chimed in blushing with Sara and Harumin laughed at her face.

"What??? Am I wrong Mei?" Matsuri said with a devilish smile towards her opponent.

"What we do or don't do is none of your concern," Mei said calmly only being betrayed by her ear tips. "Right Yuzu?"

"Y...yeah. Meis' right. Our sex life is none of your concern." Yuzu said rapidly nodding. Mei shot her fiancé a glare at what she had said.

"So there IS a sex life?" Matsuri asked, gathering the attention of everyone who was still awake.

"Of course not! We'd never!!" A flustered Yuzu screamed in a panic.

"Huh? Why not? You guys have been dating, sleeping in the same bed AND you're getting married. It's more surprising to hear you guys aren't banging like bunnies." Matsuri said happy she got at lease one of her big sisters to react.

Mei had joined Yuzu in blushing while they both asked themselves "why haven't we?".

"Matsuri!" Sara scolded the younger girl. "What Yuzu and Mei do is none of your business! They love each other and if they do or don't do anything than it doesn't matter. All they need is to love each other. You're probably just jealous of them."

Matsuri felt shocked that she had been scolded by a girl she only knew for a few hours and was even called out. "Thanks Sara," Yuzu said smiling to her short friend.

"Yes Sara, thank you. Oh and Matsuri." Mei commented.

"What is it Mei?" Matsuri had asked feeling somewhat defeated.

"It would appear you've lost, in more ways than one." Mei said with a smirk as Matsuri looked at the card she had just pulled from Meis' deck.

"You beat Matsuri, Mei!" Yuzu said overly excited. Wanting to reward her fiancé Yuzu was stretching for a hug and smiled when Mei met her half way.

"Guess ya ain't as good at games as ya thought huh?" Harumin smirked at the sulking Matsuri.

"Least I wasn't out first!" Matsuri retorted overfly defensively before sticking out her tongue.

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