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"Alright girls, have a good day at school!" Ume said as she hugged her girls goodbye. "I'll try," Yuzu told her while returning the hug.

"Mei? Did you get into a fight?" Ume concernedly asked her daughter. "No? Why do you ask?"

Ume pointed to her neck, "you got something that looks like a bruise right there." She noticed Meis' ears start burning.

"Yuzu accidentally hit me in her sleep," Mei said as she turned around to hide her blush. "WHAT!" Yuzu practically screamed.

"Yuzu!" Ume scolded her oldest. You apologize right now!" She lightly chopped the top of Yuzus' head. Yuzu looked like she had just been slapped in the face.

"I....," Yuzu sighed in defeat, "I'm sorry Mei.". Still not facing her mother, Mei replied, "just don't do it again. We should go."

"Right...bye mama!" Yuzu closed the door the behind them and was instantly met with Mei staring her down. "Uh Mei?" Yuzu confusingly asked.

Mei lowered the top part of Yuzus' shirt and bit her collarbone. "That's what you get, I told you not to leave a hickey." Yuzu rubbed the mark and whined, "ouch Mei, you could've warned me!"

"And you could've not left a mark after I explicitly told you not to. Next time it'll be on your neck." Mei said warning her lover as they began walking to school together.

On the other side of the door Ume began her day off. She'd start by making some tea and watching the news, always hoping for some excitement. Only excitement consisted of a new school opening, which reminded her of her husband.

"I should call him he's probably sleeping." Ume thought to herself. "I'm sure he'd love to hear how close our girls have gotten. Or about how close we haven't been in a while." She giggled to herself.

"Yeaaah he'd probably freak out over a comment like that." Ume considered calling Shou but decided he could be sleeping and wouldn't want to wake him.

After accepting not calling her husband, Ume decided to try and get some work done online to get ahead. She actually got a lot done, even managed to start planning future projects. "Let's see..that project pays enough for everyone who'll be working on it and we can get it done well within the budget. It won't even take that long.....,"


"Hm? Oh it's Shou!," Ume cheerfully said as she answered the phone. "Hello dear," she said with a smile. "Hey Ume! Is it a bad time?"

"Huh? Oh no," Ume said as she closed her laptop, "I was actually thinking about calling you." There was a few moments before Shou replied, Ume assumed he was blushing.

"Really? You were? Is something wrong?" Ume sighed, "Is there supposed to be something wrong for a wife to want to call her husband?"

"I guess not," Shou chuckled, "I was actually gonna go to bed here real soon so I figured I may as well call."

Ume smiled at his attempt to sugar coat the reason why he called , "Mei is doing just fine, dear. She and Yuzu left for school bright and early this morning."

"Busted," he said with another chuckle, "I'm glad to hear Mei is doing well but she's not the only one of my girls I wanted to check up on. How are you and Yuzu?"

Hearing Shou refer to them as his girls kind of surprised Ume, given his typical awkward nature. "Well I'm doing fine, got a lot of work done today and I still gotta get naked and take a hot bath."

Ume could hear the flusteredness is his voice and giggled, "Something wrong Shou? All I said was I need to undress and take a bath." She was met with silence and started laughing.

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