Chapter 6

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"Will you marry me?" Mei finally asked.

"Yes!" Yuzu lunged out of her wheelchair tackling her now fiancé. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes, a hundred million times yes!"

Yuzu kept placing kisses all over Meis' face repeating her answer. After repeating her cycle for about 30 seconds she held Meis' cheeks as they shared a deep kiss.

Mei felt something light land on her face, after looking up she saw Yuzu crying "What's wrong, why are you crying? Are you okay?" She asked her fiancé. " I could ask you the same," Yuzu giggled as she kissed Meis' tears.

"But yes, I'm just so happy I can't help but cry," Yuzu let out a squeal. "You chose top that you actually proposed....we're gonna be a married couple!" She gasped, "Can we have an engagement party????"

Usually parties weren't Meis' thing but there wasn't anything she'd say no to her lover about right now. "Of course." Yuzu squealed again. "Thanks Mei, I love you."

Mei was still unused to saying it but tried to make it sound genuine. " I you fiancé." She said as she kissed her lover. They laid there for a few minutes just enjoying to be embracing each other.

"Hey can you do something for me..,,MY fiancé." Yuzu said with a smile and blush. Mentally she was freaking out about Mei being her fiancé.

"She's blushing, laying on top of me and I just proposed. Does she want ....THAT? Well I suppose it is about time....she always has been a little perverted" Mei thought with a blush of her own.

Placing her hands pretty low on Yuzus' back she said "just say the word and I'll take care of everything." This made Yuzu smile and blush from the contact. "Thanks....I need my pain killers."

This made Mei feel and look like she was slapped in the face. A look that made Yuzu giggle. After registering it for a moment, she made sense of her fiancés words. "Oh, are you okay????"

"Yeah I just kinda got a headache and my sides hurt," she gave a light chuckle, " probably shouldn't have tackled you huh?".

After getting up, Mei helped Yuzu sit in her wheelchair. "Kinda killed the mood didn't I?" Yuzu sad with a sad demeanor. Wanting some payback for her own embarrassment, Mei leaned in and whispered "more like put in on hold, after all you still need a bath."

"I....are you gonna.....,". "Of course I am. I said I'd take care of you." This made Yuzu burn red while Mei chuckled. Despite it being teasing, Mei did hope on helping Yuzu with baths. Not only could Yuzu slip but she'd have difficulty getting dressed, both of which Mei was willing to help. She'd never admit any other motives to Yuzu or anyone.

Mei went to wheel Yuzu out of their room but found their parents waiting for them. "What'd she say?" Ume asked. Yuzu was confused but smiled, " I said yes!"

Ume squealed and hugged her girls with tears in her eyes, "congratulations!" "Thanks mama!," Yuzu said with more tears in her eyes.

"Yeah congratulations!," Shou said putting his hand on Meis' shoulder and smiling.
"But how'd you know?" Yuzu asked.

"Ume helped Mei pick out the ring," Shou commented with a smile, "did ya like it?" It then occurred to Yuzu she never got a good look at the ring. "I...didn't actually get a good look," Yuzu chuckled,"Can I see it Mei?"

"Of course. It's yours after all," Mei tried to say without a smile. She pulled the little black box out of her pocket again but didn't let go when Yuzu grabbed it. "Wait....not like this."

That comment confused the 3 Aiharas' as Mei stood their mentally preparing herself. After a few moments of preparation she pulled the ring out then asked for Yuzus hand. Their hearts were racing in sync as Mei slid the ring up Yuzus' finger.

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