Strapped in

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Yuzu and Meis' hotel room had gone so silent you could hear a pin drop. Had Yuzus' heart not been racing she would've heard the faint sound of their temporary neighbors but was a bit distracted at the moment.

The pair stood there, barely moving since they opened the "gift" Matsuir had turned into a stowaway for them. Mei was handling it rather well but Yuzu was trying her best to not burst into flames from embarrassment, lots of ideas running through her mind.

"What....what should we do?" Mei asked her wife, being the first to speak in what felt like forever.

"I-I don't know.." Yuzu stammered, trying hard to not let her curiosity get the better of her by taking a good look at the gift. She could already hear her self scolding about being a pervert.

"Should we...toss it out?" Mei proposed, unsure about what course of action would be ideal.

"I-I mean we could..." Yuzu looked away, hoping to hide her anxious face. She hadn't ever seen one before but was far from naive about it. There were implications on them possessing it and A growing part of Yuzu wanted to explore them. But full on saying "let's try it!" Might make her sound like a pervert.

"W-wait!" Yuzu panicked as Mei grabbed the bag, earning a confused look.

"Hm?" Mei asked as she held the bag containing their "gift". "Did you not wanna toss it out?"

"W-well..." Yuzu reached for the bag and Mei relented by handing it over to her. "I-I just think we should talk about it first?"

Her voice was less confident the more she spoke. It was growing hard to remain as collected as she was, this was thin ice Yuzu was walking. On one hand, if she was honest mei would almost definitely try it with her. On the other hand, mei might make some comment like "do you really think we need assistance already?" Or "you're such a pervert!"

Neither of those comments ended how Yuzu was now hoping tonight would.

She couldn't help it, here on their honeymoon was the perfect time to try something new in the bedroom! To top it off they literally already have everything they need. Not to mention the idea that the confident Mei who insisted Yuzu bent over her lap could return for something similar was rather exciting....

"Alright," Mei sat down on the bed. "Let's discuss it."

Yuzu joined her wife on the bed and was already planning out her defense. However it was Mei who spoke first.

" you think we need it?" Mei timidly asked. She knew Yuzu enjoyed last night but couldn't help worrying that Yuzu was now unsatisfied with how things were. The fact they're even discussing using the toy was worrying enough.

"N-no of course not!" Yuzu gay panicked, wanting to ensure Mei was okay. "I just thought it would be fun to try...."

Yuzu audibly gasped as her hands flew to her mouth, unable to believe she had so casually confessed that. It was embarrassing enough back then when Yuzu asked about toys and mixing it up occasionally but now this was the real deal.

"So you do wanna try it?" Mei asked. She didn't enjoy the idea of letting Matsuri actually contribute to their sex life but had to remain fair. Yuzu allowed her to try spanking, naturally letting Yuzu choose something seemed obvious.

But this?

"I'd be lying if....if I said I wasn't curious..." Yuzu confessed while hiding her face in her hands. She couldn't believe Mei had the guts to not only confess wanting to do something but also following through as well as she did.

It was just because this opportunity had presented itself. If Mei said no then Yuzu would be perfectly fine with the normal love making...the idea that they could at least do it normally tonight was a silver lining.

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