Ume scores

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"Mmmm," Ume cuddled up next to her husband "Gotta say Shou, you've finally got some stamina."

"I....always......had......plenty," Shou burnt while catching his breath, only partially proving Umes' point.

"What was that?" Ume giggled as she kissed his cheek, only making him burn more.

"I..always..had..plenty," he retorted, having caught his breath more.

"Oh for sure," Ume giggled as she playfully rolled her eyes, "I did all the work for months because I wanted to."

".......," Shou had no reply. He always had mixed feelings after sex. On 1 hand, it was amazing. On the other, Ume sometimes teased him and he never had a retort.

Not much he could say when Ume had been carrying their sex life since they got married. Especially when they both knew it.

"I know you probably just want to watch me make my boobs bounce, so it's okay." Ume whispered into Shous' sensitive ear.

"," Shous' whole face was red now. Ume wasn't necessarily right but she wasn't entirely wrong.

"Awww come on," Ume snuggled adoringly, "I'm just teasing. You've gotten great since we got married."

"Thanks?" Shou chuckled through his blushing.

"And to be honest....,"


"What was that??" Ume Shot up and put on her robe to investigate before Shou could. He followed after putting on his own robe.

When Ume walked into the kitchen she heard some very distinct crying. "April? Is that you?" She called out.

She got no response except more sobs. Ume then turned on the light to find her step daughter crying on the floor.

"Sweetie? Sweetie what's wrong?" Ume hugged her sobbing step daughter, hoping to comfort her.

"...I...I'm sorry....," April cried fearfully. Ume was confused until she noticed there was broken glass on the floor next to what she thought to be the dinner Yuzu made hours before.

"What's going on?" Shou asked as he entered the room to a confusing sight.

"I..I...I'm..sorry," April continued to cry, not even noticing she had hugged Ume back.

"Shou can you clean up the mess," Ume nodded towards April's throw up and broken glass. "I'll take care of April."

"Hm?" Shou looked where Ume nodded and understood. "Yeah..I'm on it."

Ume then carried her sobbing step daughter to the bathroom to clean up her mess. "Please.....don't be mad....," April cried as Ume wiped her face clean.

"I'm not mad sweetie," Ume said in her warmest mother voice. "I'm worried about you, are you feeling okay?"

" stomach hurts," April avoided looking at her step mother. Her sobs slightly more tamed.

"Feels like you have a fever too," Ume said after placing the back of her hand on April's forehead.

"Safe to say you might be sick," Ume told her step daughter as she soaked a cloth in cold water.

"Best thing for you is to get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water," Ume picked up her cleaned child and carried her to bed.

After laying April down, Ume placed the cold cloth on her forehead and the young girl sighed in satisfaction. "Hold that there for a moment, I'll be right back sweetie."

"Okay..," April did as her step mother said. She was amazed how concerned Ume was for her well being. Not even Yuni displayed that amount of care ever. This kind of treatment was unprecedented.

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