Chapter 8

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"Do you think I look sexy?" Mei asked. "Huh???," Yuzu becoming flustered asked, "what kind of question is that?" Yuzu turned around to see Mei wearing a never before seen bra and panties.

"Yuzu....come here," Mei lustfully told Yuzu. "O......okay," Yuzu obeyed her Mei. Pushing Yuzu down Mei started straddling her hips.

"I want you Yuzu....touch me," Mei moaned into Yuzus' ear. "I...uhhhhh, I don't know." Yuzu managed to say as heart raced. Mei took Yuzus' hand and led it down to her panties.

"Please Yuzu....I want to be touched," Mei moaned some more. "I.....are you sure?" Yuzu barely whispered. Mei started using Yuzus' fingers to caress her crotch.

"Yuzu. Yuzu. Yuzu. Yuzu," Mei moaned, "Yuzu, wake up."

"What was that Mei?" Yuzu kept using her fingers to touch Mei. "Yuzu, it's time to wake up."

"Huh?" Yuzu opened her eyes to see her fiancé standing over her. "Yuzu I'm already back from school. We have shopping to do and you have homework. But first...."

Mei leaned down and kissed Yuzu, "how are you feeling?" Despite being disappointed to be awake Yuzu smiled, "I'm doing great now," she said while hugged Mei.

Mei smiled and returned the hug, "that's good. How's your sides?" Yuzu smirked and gave them a light smack, "perfectly healthy."

Yuzu could've sworn she saw some tears form in Meis' eyes. "I'm glad to hear," Mei told her lover. It had been a month since the accident and Yuzu was making a solid recovery. Her ribs were feeling great and she only was gonna be in her casts for maybe another month. She still had a slight headache from the concussion but fortunately the nausea had severely gone down.

When her friends first visited her at home, almost all of them cried at the sight of their beloved Yuzu. Even Shirapon ignored her habits and instantly hugged Yuzu. They all signed both her casts, Harumin even added some doodles to make them look cute.

After helping Yuzu get in her chair, Mei started to roll her to the bathroom but stopped before leaving. "Mei? Is something wrong?" Yuzu asked her fiancé.

"You.....," Mei wrapped her arms around Yuzu. "Will you...hold me tonight?". They both were starting to miss Mei being held, with Yuzus' condition she was the only one being held. Even then it was only during their baths.

Memories of her dream flashed before Yuzus' eyes as she started mentally freaking out. "Of course I'll touch you Mei." She said.

"Nooooooooooooooo!," Yuzu mentally screamed. Yuzu covered her face with her hands and kept mentally scolded herself. Meanwhile Mei couldn't help but blush at Yuzus' forwardness. "If...that's.....what you want."

"That's my Yuzu...little perv," Mei thought with a sigh. "We can discuss that later, we got a long day ahead of us." Mei said.

"We can...discuss it later?," Yuzu thought as she kept freaking out. After being rolled to the kitchen Yuzu offered to make them something to eat before going out but Mei refused.

"Yuzu, I'm fine. I can wait until dinner. Although if you hadn't have had lunch I'll prepare something to hold you over for now." Mei said trying to stop her lover from cooking for her.

Yuzu sighed in defeat, "alright, I'll go change and then we can leave." Mei stopped in her tracks and turned away, "do you..need help?"

For the last month Yuzu had needed help since getting clothes on and off with 2 casts and injured ribs isn't exactly and easy job. With her ribs being better Yuzu thought she could probably manage on her own. "I think I got it," she confidently said.

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