Wedding Night

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"Not quite, remember we still have a honeymoon to enjoy." Mei responded. "Then every year we'll have an anniversary to celebrate."

Mei was admittedly worried about Yuzu. It wasn't that uncommon for Brides to experience postpartum depression, experiencing the best day of your life and knowing it can cause that. She knew herself would be fine but Yuzu? The newlywed Okogi was determined to help her wife through it all, ideally to avoid it entirely.

After their little thank you speech the reception had only continued for a bit longer. The sun was already beginning to set and all the plans had been executed without flaw. Yuzu and Mei were some of the last to leave, they were trying to figure out what to do with their gift table but Shou and Ume took charge and said they'd be waiting in their apartment for when they return from their honeymoon.

One quick ride home with almost no space between them and here they were, ready to start their life as one.

"Hmm I guess you're right," Yuzu nuzzled against Mei as they walked. "Still, today was perfect! I had so much fun!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed today," Mei wrapped her arm around the waist of her wife. "We got a long life ahead of us and it'll have plenty of great days like today."

"Oh I know," yuzu giggled before kissing Meis' cheek. "And I'll make sure you enjoy it all too."

"With you? That'll be....yuzu?" Mei stopped when Yuzu stopped in her tracks, right outside their apartment door.

"Uhm...Mei?" Yuzu seemed bashful as she spoke.

"Is something wrong?" Mei asked.

"No, nothing is wrong. It's just....we're home." Yuzu looked at their door and back towards Mei. "And we're newlyweds...."

" you want me to carry you in?" Mei was a bit surprised. It was normal for newlyweds but the couple hadn't discussed it before, she assumed Yuzu didn't care for it.

Mei had done extensive research on weddings in her free time. While she hadn't done as much planning, Mei wanted to make sure anything she could control was perfect for Yuzu.

"Would you?" Yuzu bashfully asked, her eyes pleading plenty with Meis. How could anyone say no to their wife when they look so beautiful?

Yuzu waited as her heart raced, it felt like such a small yet important part of today. To Yuzu it meant they were walking into their future and she wanted to do it right.

"I suppose we'd better unlock the door first," Mei gave yuzu a smile before pulling the keys out of her purse.

Yuzu could've jumped with excitement but managed to contain herself. Though she did let out an excited squeal as Mei unlocked the door.

"Ready?" Mei asked as she got into a more optimal position to bridal carry her bride.

"Yeah," Yuzu nodded as she placed her hand on Meis' shoulder.

"Umph," Mei huffed as Yuzu jumped and she quickly moved to catch her. They were still in their dresses but for now they'd serve for memories rather than actual wearing. Plus if there was a little wear and tear they could get it fixed.

"Ya got it?" Yuzu asked as Mei held her up in her arms.

"Y-yeah..." Mei huffed before slightly tossing Yuzu, she didn't go high but only served to adjust Meis' grip.

"I got you, Love." Mei spoke with confidence. Her tone and the boldness at which she held Yuzu had the blonde gushing with love.

"Don't squirm," Mei complained, causing Yuzu to stop.

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