Christmas Party pt 1

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"Whaddya think??" Yuzu said as she twirled around in her Christmas party outfit. It was the red skirt and green top she decided upon yesterday.

Her hair was down, making it whoosh along with the skirt as she spun. Mei had also noticed the red lipstick she had put on, a very nice touch.

"I think that today is gonna be one to remember," Mei smirked as her fiancé waited for an actual reply.

"However," Mei said as they made their way upstairs. "I think that you look...," she stopped and remembered the photo Yuzu had sent just yesterday and blushed.

Mei wasn't upset Yuzu had sent it, in fact she was glad. Thanks to some help from Himeko, Mei had learned how to make a folder for specific photos in her phone. One of the folders already had over 2 dozen consisting of Yuzu.

The raven haired girl was however embarrassed she had lost attention to her surroundings and saved the photo in front of Yuzu. Certainly an interesting/embarrassing experience.

"....nice," Mei finally said while they reached their old floor.

"What was that?" Yuzu asked, looking away from her phone. She was checking to see if it'd snow all day or if their white Christmas would be cut short.

"You look nice, Yuzu. You asked what I thought." Mei said while offering her lover a smile.

"Oh thanks!" Yuzu smiled and took Meis' arm. "I think you look nice as well."

Mei was wearing a somewhat variant outfit of what she wore on their first date. Instead of being a top and a skirt, the article of clothing was a single piece.

Her dress also had a nice singular ribbon belt, around Meis' hips. It went well with the burgundy dress that Yuzu had helped Mei get the last time they went shopping for clothes. Burgundy like the bear Yuzu had bought Mei before the car accident.

Even though Mei wasn't into her looks the way Yuzu was, she enjoyed each compliment about it. To Mei, Yuzu wouldn't lie. Also, since Yuzu always looks so beautiful, she must know what she's talking about regarding beauty. Meaning that every compliment was sincere and Mei knew that.

"Hey girls!" Ume beamed as she hugged her daughters. "You ready for your first Christmas party sweetie?"

"Hello mother," Mei returned the hug with Yuzu. "And yes. Yuzu has made them sound like lots of fun."

"Don't you worry about that! We made sure this was extra special! After all, it's yours and Aprils' first." Ume smiled.

Between what she had planned, the decorations and a few other things, Ume was certain even Mei would be smiling. She had planned a few events, had gotten some Christmas songs that are beloved in America, and even had the cake Yuzu had brung up a little while earlier. Everything was set in stone for a Christmas to remember.

~a few minutes later~

"A....a gingerbread house building contest?" Mei asked after Ume declared what she had planned.

"Yup!" Ume smirked victoriously. "Yuzu loved doing it growing up and I thought we could bring it back. Even though she did lose it every year. But this year will be better because we can have 2 teams of 2."

Much like bowling and teasing, Ume always had the upper hand against her daughter. Considering that, the possibility of losing was hardly ever in Umes' mind.

"Yeah yeah, very funny," Yuzu rolled her eyes with a small smile. "This year will be different after all.....who's gonna pick?"

"If it's Mei than I got this in the bag, she loves my culinary skills." Yuzu thought to herself.

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