Honeymoon catch-up

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"A-ahh," Yuzu moaned. "M-Mei...."

"Is that good?" Mei asked as she continued her motions, yuzus sounds implying plenty but it never hurt to make sure.

"Y-yeah, it's good..." Yuzu gave Mei a thumbs up as she laid facedown on their temporary bed. "You're surprisingly good at this, even with such little experience."

"I suppose that's a good thing," Mei commented happily as she continued making her wife groan and moan. "After all this sort of thing is common with marriage."

"Just like that...." yuzu panted, her toes instinctively curling. "If you want I'll do it to you after."

"Maybe. Let's just focus on making you feel good for now." Mei stated before putting more pressure on what she was doing. She was focused on making Yuzu feel good, but the sounds were certainly a bonus.

"G-Ahhhh," Yuzu squirmed beneath Mei who had been straddling her rear end.

"Was that too much for you?" Mei asked, her voice full of concern.

"It kinda hurt," Yuzu chuckled through the pain. "Could you maybe not push so hard?"

Mei nodded and adjusted her technique to be more fitting for her lover's request. Harder than Initially but not as intense as recently, it shouldn't be too difficult for the capable Aihara.




Looking over at Yuzus' bedside table Mei saw her wife was receiving a phone call. More specifically, it was a video chat request from....Shou? This left Mei feeling baffled.

"Who is it?" Yuzu asked as she looked over to her phone. Being in her position she couldn't exactly see ir but was trying to.

"It's father," Mei commented as her mind was busy processing this. Shou and Ume would occasionally video call way back when he was still all over the country but hadn't had any reason to as soon as he came home for good.

There was nothing wrong with him doing this, it was simply the last thing Mei expected and it caught her off guard. Mei could feel a small tingle of jealousy in the fact he hadn't called her but had grown enough to ignore it.

"Will ya answer it for me?" Yuzu asked.

"Oh, right." Mei nodded before getting off her wife and reaching for the phone. One second later, Shous' face appeared on the screen.

"Mei?" Shous' voice came from the phone. "Thought I called Yuzu."

"You did...Yuzu had me answer it for her." Mei stated, that bit of jealousy growing more aggravated.

"Oh I see, well this works out perfectly." Shou smiled as he looked at something off the screen. "To be honest I was gonna call you but I figured it was more likely that Yuzu was near her phone."

"I see.." Mei let herself smile at the statement instead of hiding it behind a poker face.

"Speaking of, is Yuzu there?" Shou asked.

"I'm not THAT bad!" Umes' playfully angry voice rang out through the phone as Shou chuckled. Mei froze as her confusion returned, Yuzu now sitting on the bed instead of laying face down.

"Uhm...yeah." Mei cleared her throat after trying to register why Ume was loud. "We're currently together."

"I thought so," Shou grinned at his wife.

"Is everything alright?" Yuzu asked as she crawled into view of the camera, right next to Mei. Their parents' voices didn't have any trances of emergency but things weren't exactly obvious either.

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