Wedding pt 1 Mei

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"Y-Yuzu I'm going to s...I'm gonna s-spank you," Mei looked at her reflection before cringing at her own awkwardness. After trying several attempts to say it she still sounded awkward while saying it.

While it's true Yuzu had mentioned mixing things up during their first post virginity talk on the subject, Mei had taken the lead on the topic. Not only had Mei prepared for their wedding night by purchasing something Yuzu will hopefully think she looks sexy in. But she also had gotten the idea that she'll give Yuzu what she wants and mix things up some more. For their wedding of course...

Though the idea of spanking only came to mind when she remembered Yuzus punishment for having a part time job. Back then Yuzu had gone along with it and let Mei do it, and that wasn't even sexual. But now things were different, this time would 100% be sexual.

Only problem seems to be if Mei can muster up the courage and take the lead. She usually can but doing something like this for the first time? Didn't feel so easy.

She definitely wanted to spank Yuzu so that wasn't a problem. Plus Mei knew Yuzu was once willing to accept it without it being sexual. So naturally Mei felt fairly confident that if she could just muster the words while looking into those beautiful green eyes, it would happen. Mei would get to spank her and Yuzu would get things being mixed up a bit, a win-win.

"I need a break," Mei sighed, her face looking a little flushed and her mind racing towards the gutter.

Exciting the bathroom, she made her way to the living room and saw Yuzu packing a small bag. "I thought you already finished packing for the honeymoon...," her tone sent shivers down Yuzus spine.

Usually Mei could be casual with Yuzu but with the wedding being tomorrow, there was microscopic room for error. Plus Like she said, Mei was certain they both finished packing for their trip.

"I did I did," Yuzu said nervously as she held up the bag. "THIS is filled with makeup."

For their wedding, Ume had playfully given them the idea to spend at least a full 24 hours apart before the ceremony. Obviously it was to make seeing each other feel even more special.

Mei had misgivings but Yuzu thought the idea made things feel like a normal wedding. So against her better judgement, Mei agreed.

The plan was set as so: Yuzu would go to Harumis and stay there tonight. Come later in the day, Himeko will come over and stay the night in Mei and Yuzus apartment. This way each bride had their made of honor and someone who could help start doing makeup and hair early. Their plan also left some wiggle room, not much, but some.

They also had two separate rooms at the church, one for each bride to put on their dress without potentially seeing the other before things start. Thanks to Shous' suggestion and transportation, the wedding dresses were currently waiting in their respective rooms

Though Mei honestly would've preferred sleeping next to her bride this last night before things change. Next time they sleep in the same bed they won't be girlfriends or even fiancé's, they'll be wives! That thought alone gave Mei a sense of comfort.

Despite radiating big spoon energy,Mei couldn't help but crumble a little and hug Yuzu from the back of the couch. The tight grip told her everything about how Mei felt.

"Baby," Yuzu said, placing a hand on Meis. "Are you sure you're okay with this? Say the word and I'll call and cancel with Harumin."

"I'll manage," Mei couldn't help but chuckle at her own ridiculousness. Ever since they starting to sleep together Yuzu and Mei had only slept apart on a few occasions. Not counting naps of course since Mei took those more than Yuzu.

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