Wedding pt 3 The Ceremony

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"Y...Yuzu..," Meis' voice broke as she spoke to her bride, the first time all day.

It was hard to believe that Yuzus typical look could be improved this drastically. To her, Yuzu always looked beautiful Without doing anything special, though Mei had a favorite hair and makeup. But this was far from typical, Yuzu looked absolutely stunning. Even if this wasn't a wedding the blonde would easily have the gaze of anyone for miles.

"M-Mei," Yuzu smiled widely at her bride. It took everything to not kiss her right then and there. There was much Yuzu wanted to say, if allowed she could've spent the entire ceremony talking in awe of how beautiful her Mei was.

"Are you two gonna be okay?" Shou asked, choking up a little himself. He wasn't sure why but having his girls look in awe at each other had strung some of his heart strings.

"I...I don't know...," Mei confessed, her legs shaking underneath the dress. She was excited of course but felt overwhelmed at the sight of her bride.

"Are we?" Mei asked her wife to be.

"Probably not," Yuzu chuckled as she was finding the strength to not cry. "But I'm ready to not be okay."

It was as lame as it sounded but to Mei it was as good as her vows. Even making the nervous girl chuckle a bit with her bride.

"So am I Yuzu," Mei smiled at her bride. She had made an attempt to take Yuzus hands but hit the Bouquet instead. It startled Mei as she was expecting the soft hands of her bride.

Honestly the fact Mei had been so eager to hold hands made Yuzus smile hurt even more. It was something they did all the time yet this time felt like it was gonna be special.

"I'll take that," Shou offered. He had found it rather funny as well but wasn't about to say anything.

"Right," Yuzu nodded as she handed him the flowers. Much to Umes' delight the photographer made sure to get plenty of photos of Shou with the bundle in his hands. She already made a mental note to get that one printed and maybe even framed just to tease him a bit.

Harumi had gestured to herself and Himeko, the latter holding the other Bouquet. Shou figured they were as good as anyone to take them for now. They already were holding the rings their respective best friends were gonna give so they can handle the flowers.

After dropping off the flowers real quick Shou took a final look at his girls before him. They took each other's hands the moment it was possible. The brides held even their hands as if they were never gonna have another chance, truly embracing the warmth it brought.

Naturally he felt like as their father he should say something. Nothing major like a speech but enough to show he cares and is happy. He had noticed neither of them even seemed to know he was still there, their eyes focused on each other with nothing able to pull their gazes.

That look of love on Meis and even Yuzus face had hit Shou harder then expected. Before he could allow more emotion to show the man spoke. "Well...good luck." He uttered Before joining his sitting family. Ume had asked if he was okay but he just nodded, kinda fearing if he spoke he'd choke up a little. Ironic since Ume wasn't even trying to hide her emotions.

Once everyone was seated and brides at the alter, the wedding ceremony had finally began.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Love formed between Mei and her bride Yuzu." The pastor, who was at the altar as well but had remained silent, finally spoke up.

She was an older woman with brown eyes and hair that only went down to her shoulders. Her bangs weren't nearly that long though. Upon hearing it, Yuzu instantly made sure to remember her name was Mikoto Nakano.

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