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"Hey it's time to wake up."


"Hey, come on sleepy head."


"I said it's time to get up."


"Fine." Yuzu sighed, resting her head against Meis' "5 more minutes won't hurt anybody."

The morning sunlight was peering in through the curtains and onto the lovers. Even with the sun shining down on them and Yuzus' alarm going off, Mei was none the wiser as she laid in a deep sleep.

Yuzu wondered what Mei dreamed of, it would be easy to ask but the mystery was always fun. Though when Mei would occasionally groan something about Yuzu, Kumagoro, or something that sounded related to the academy, it gave Yuzu a solid idea about what went on in that unconscious head of hers.

"You sleepyhead." Yuzu nuzzled her wife, feeling ready to slip back into a slumber herself.

Today marked the official end of Yuzu and Meis' honeymoon. It also marked the day of which they'd return home and see their loved ones for the first time all month. Yuzu found it crazy how even though it's been a few weeks, it felt like hardly any time had passed for them. Though everyone back home probably lived the last weeks in real time.

"M...issed you...." Mei drowsily said in her slumber.

Yuzu chuckled to herself, "yeah I'm sure Papa has missed you too."

This was the longest they had gone without seeing each other since Shou came home for good. In fact Yuzu was more proud of Mei because she handled it so well, a little excitement on the day of their reunion is justified.

"K..Kumagoro." Mei slept talked.

"Oh." Yuzu giggled. "Yeah that makes more sense, I'm sure he also missed you too."




Yuzus' phone buzzed as the alarm blared. She sighed but the blonde grabbed the one and turned off the alarm,

"Alright sleeping beauty, if you don't wake up I'll kiss you." Yuzu turned her attention back to Mei.

They weren't in any particular hurry to get home, but Yuzu knew at the very least Mei doesn't like to sleep in so late. Yuzu and Mei did have some plans later though but the pair had an oasis of time.

Meis' slumbering face always made Yuzu wanna not bother waking her up if she was the first up. Her face in general was a lot less stiff than before but the sleeping face was even more relaxed and calm. Yuzu was confident that with more time Meis' general expression would be like this.

"Mmmmuah." Yuzu gave Meis' cheek an exaggerated kiss. "You awake yet baby?"

"Mm...." Mei groaned in her sleep. "No."

"Alright." Yuzu gave her cheek another kiss. "Now?"

She could see some color forming on Meis' face. "No." She drowsily answered.

"Alrighty then." Yuzu smiled as she brought her lips to Meis' exposed ear.

"Hah...." Mei panted the moment she felt Yuzus' mouth pressed against her ear. It was such a firm kiss that Mei could make out almost every detail of her lover's lips.

"Still asleep?" Yuzu asked. She ended the kiss but had her mouth teasingly close enough to Meis' ear so she could feel the warmth of her breath.

"Yes..." Mei lied once again, curious as to what Yuzu would do this time. To Meis' disappointment, nothing else came. She could feel Yuzu was still laying on the bed next to her but there wasn't a hint of movement.

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