Day 1

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Mei woke up that morning to the sound of knocking on the door, "come in." The girl didn't bother raising her head from her pillow.

"Rise and shine beautiful," Yuzu said as she walked in with a tray of breakfast food. Both girls blushing at the beautiful part. Yuzu couldn't not freak out about calling her Mei any sort of nickname.

"G..good morning, Yuzu. I really appreciate it but you know how I feel about eating in bed. And we could wake April." Mei smiled at her sister and then her lover.

"Good morning, cmon Mei. One time won't hurt anyone. Besides....I wanna spoil my bride a little." Yuzu said while avoiding eye contact, hoping it would somehow hide her didn't.

"Her bride....," Mei thought while her smile grew.

"Alright....let's eat on the floor though." Mei slid off the bed onto the floor while Yuzu took her spot next to her.

Not long into breakfast, Yuzu looked out the window and smiled. "Looks like we could finally have a white Christmas this year. That's good, always makes the Christmas party more.....," Yuzu stopped and remembered how last Christmas went.

"I'm looking forward to this years' party.....really hope we have cake this year too." Mei said, exaggerating the final part.

She wanted to focus only on the parts of last years Christmas she didn't quite get to enjoy but genuinely looked forward to. Trying her best to not think of Yuzus' rejection or any events caused by a pink haired brat.

"Of course we will!" Yuzu beamed full of energy, "I'm gonna make a cake so good it'll put my last one to shame! might take a few more tries this time however."

"You have a high standard to meet, I look forward to the results," Mei smiled at her lover.

After finishing their breakfast, Yuzu took the tray and went to begin getting back into the flow of her school day morning routine. When she was walking away, Mei couldn't help but observe her bottom half.

"Has she always had such a nice butt??" Mei thought while lost in a trance. It had been weeks since Mei got a decent look and now that she could see it again, it was hard to deny the attraction.

"I could never admit it to her.....," Mei thought about her new attraction, "but I guess that's normal for be attracted to each other's body's. Wait. Does she like mine? Mine couldn't compete with hers so maybe not.....I need to get ready."

The black haired her got up from her spot next to the bed but noticed a peculiar magazine on Yuzus' table.

"How to be a good spouse for you wife?" Mei read the title. Looking through it, she noticed "complement her" and "cook for her" each had a few pages.

She then realized this magazine was made for male and female married couples and couldn't help but laugh. The idea that Yuzu was the man or "wore the pants" in their relationship was actually kinda funny to Mei.

To Mei, the idea that the one leading had to be "the man" was silly, she only saw two girls. Both of which liked to lead and follow.

If she were to be completely honest, she preferred being the one who lead but when Yuzu tries to she obliges happily. Despite that, she did believe that she was the one who "wore the pants" in her and Yuzus' relationship.

Soon, the couple made their way to school together for the first time in months. Of course they had to leave earlier than they use to to account for Yuzus' weak muscles but Mei didn't mind. Just more time with her lover.

"It's so strange," Yuzu said with a smile.

"What is?" Mei asked.

"The last time we went to school together we were girlfriends and now we're planning our wedding," Yuzu smiled even more. She made sure no one was around before saying so however.

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