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"Alright how's this one???" Yuzu asked as she walked out from the changing room, wearing a new outfit. It was a dark blue V neck top with long sleeve arms and a white skirt that went to her knees.

"Hmmm" Harumin thought. "Do a spin real quick." Yuzu then did a quick spin and wanted for a verdict.

"Do another one," Harumin said and Yuzu did, instantly returned to wait for a decision.

"Hmmmmm," Harumin over exaggerated. "Wave your arms around a few times. That'll definitely help."

"This is serious!" Yuzu whined. "I need to find a perfect outfit."

"I'm just messing around," Harumin laughed. "Seriously Yuzucchi I don't know why you're stressing so much about this.

"Why???" Yuzu sounded offended. "It's Meis and my first anniversary! And I promised Mei it'll be perfect."

"But you're gonna be married...," Haurmin thought as Yuzu went to take off the dress. "Won't you also have a first wedding anniversary? So this isn't something to stress over."

"You don't get it...," Yuzu sighed as her demeanor dropped. "Mei has...well done a lot for me, these last few months."

Yuzu then looked at the ring Mei had given her in admiration and awe. "The ring...the wedding.....she even took care of me when I needed her...Mei deserves what she has given me and that's the best."

Comparably, Yuzu has been a worse fiancé in her own eyes. Not that she has been a bad one, just that Mei had been that amazing to the blonde. This was the perfect opportunity to show Mei how much she loves her.

Yuzu didn't doubt that Mei knew how much she loved her but wanted to really make it show.

"Hey it's okay," Harumin hugged her now teary-eyed friend when she exited the changing room. "I was just messing around. Don't worry we'll find an outfit the prez will love!"

"Thanks Harumin...sorry I didn't mean to get emotional." Yuzu chuckled.

"I get it....I mean I don't but I do," Harumin smirked before leading Yuzu back to some of the clothes for sale.

After grabbing a few tops and bottoms to try on, Yuzu then returned to the changing room while Harumin waited outside. "If you don't like these we can try mixing some skirts and tops." Harumin said.

"Thanks....hey I was gonna wait til oh crap!" Harumin heard a bang from the room.

"Yuzucchi????" Harumin asked.

"I fell.....," Yuzu sighed. "But I was gonna say. I was gonna wait but I may as well ask. Would you be my maid of honor?"

"Really????" Haurmin smiled widely and forgot what Yuzu was doing. She opened the door and went for a hug. "Oh Yuzucchi..."

"I'm changing!" Yuzu yelled as Harumin instantly left the room, still smiling.

"Sorry Yuzucchi....still want me to be your maid of honor?" Harumi timidly asked.

"Yeah...." Yuzu sighed. "Probably could've picked a better moment." She ended up chuckling herself.

"I'll be the best maid of honor! I'll put the VP to shame." Harumin said triumphantly, meaning comparably of course.

"Yeah I guess it was obvious who Mei was gonna have for her maid of honor," Yuzu said before opening the door and stepping out.

"How do I look?" Yuzu asked.

It was a dark green top with short sleeves and a collar. Also, around midway down Yuzus' ribs there was a mid piece that wrapped around Yuzu, slightly showing her curves. The pants were tight and black while her shirt only covered a few inches of them with an almost skirtish bottom of the top.

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