April's big day

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"Thanks for having me over, Mrs Aihara." Haruka Hikami declared as Ume lead her into the apartment.

"No problem," Ume smiled, "but try and keep your voice down. Don't wanna ruin the surprise." She did and exaggerated check over her shoulder, making the young girl smile.

"Alright Mrs Aihara," Haruka nodded vigorously. She too wanted to help with the surprise.

~few days ago~

It was only a few days into June when Ume happened to be looking over April's school paperwork. Nothing too major, only offering parents the chance to help their children learn more during summertime and a personalized note from their teacher.

However while doing so, the mother was completely dumbfounded. "April Aihara, all good grades...," Ume read in her head.

"April has begun coming out of her shell a bit more. when she first arrived in my class she would only answer when called on. However in the last month she has actually volunteered to answer on her own without being asked to." Umes' face almost hurt with the smile she wore as she continued to read.

"Not everyday mind you, however the fact she does it at all is great progress. She still only seems to socialize with a select student, whom I'm certain you've met." Ume continued to read as Shou attempted to help April with school work, trying to not just tell the answers.

"All in all I'm happy with the progress young April has made." Ume thought she had concluded but noticed a little note at the bottom.

"I hope she has a nice birthday!"

"Birthday?" Ume thought to herself.

"No that's...she had one.....," Ume thought back at the last children's party she had hosted. Unfortunately that party was for a young blonde and not her step daughter.

"But she then turned 6....," Ume tried to think of her daughters most recent birthday. Should've been easy since it was the first one they celebrated together.

Unfortunately Ume had no recollection of any birthday regarding April. Now that she was thinking about it, Ume wasn't certain when the day was.

"Oh...oh no..,"

"April...," Ume said in an out of character monotone voice. Her stomach had sank as she worried.

"Yes M-mama?" April asked, a little scared of her step mother's tone.

"When's your birthday?" Ume asked for clarification.

"It's June 11. Why?" April asked as she witnessed Ume face palm hard enough to make a loud smack.

"M-mama??" April asked, completely lost at the feeling of failure within Ume and shou who had began sulking.

"Oh crap," Ume sighed aloud as April began to worry, feeling as if she had done something wrong.

"I-I'm sorry Mrs Ai...," April stammered before going silent when Ume patted her head.

"Mrs...mama?" April asked as Umes warm demeanor returned.

"It's okay sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong okay?" Ume said certainly.

"Oh..okay," April nodded. She was curious as to what that was about but didn't wanna bother them. Fortunately her father was getting better at reading the room.

"We're sorry April," Shou said trying to sound warm like Ume. Instead, a worried look appeared on the young girls face yet again.

"I-let me explain," he panicked before April could start blaming herself. Shou had noticed a sigh mixed with laughter from Ume.

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