Wedding pt 4 reception prep

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"Alright looks uhhh good!" The photographer half lied after snapping a photo of Shirapon and her small family group. Not that anyone in her family looked bad but the photographer couldn't manage to get any of the ladies to smile. She did manage a wave from Shiraho but that was about it.

"Alright Mrs Aihara, is there any more you wanna get before the reception?" She asked Ume who had been put in charge of making sure photos went well.

"Let me think for a sec..." Ume stopped and thought about all they had gotten already. Right away they had made sure all of the pictures requiring Shou had been taken immediately, even before just the brides.

This was only because after having his pictures all done Shou was gonna leave to make sure Yuzu and Meis name change documents went in today. That'd make them officially the Aihara-Okogis on the day of their wedding. To Shous surprise Mei had actually asked him of this, not necessarily to have him leave but to make sure it's done today.

That was when it was planned out: Shou would get all of his photos done, leave to a government official office, have the name Change be legally recognized, go to where the reception is being held.

Shou figured he could help set up if he had extra time or at least make sure things are perfect for his girls.

So he had many photos taken of him immediately. Some with Mei and Yuzu, some just Mei and just Yuzu, some of him and Ume, some of him and April and so on until they had basically every combination they could of their family. Even gramps was in several photos, he tried to smile but it looked awkward.

That made it obvious to Ume where Shou got a lot of his features....

After Shou left they focused more on the brides and all those possible pictures. Yuzus favorite was one the photographer suggested where Mei bridal carries Yuzu for a second. Mei was a bit embarrassed since everyone was outside watching them but did it. The photographer was spamming pictures of Mei holding up Yuzu who had begun nuzzling her, even getting some nice pictures of when Yuzu kissed Meis cheek.

Immediately Yuzu knew she had to get that one framed and next to their bed. Such a precious moment needed to be next to her everyday.

As a reversal, the photographer proposed that Yuzu carry her bride for a photo. Hearing that had Yuzu's eyes lighting up, somehow even more than the typical for the day. Of course Mei was powerless to the desire of her wife and had let Yuzu pick her up.

Wanting a bit of playful revenge, Mei had tried to kiss Yuzu on the cheek while being carried. However Yuzu had already had the idea and the couple ended up sharing a kiss on camera. That one was one of Meis favorite photos and one she'd get framed herself.

"We got some of the brides and their parties right?" Ume asked after thinking it all over. She knew Yuzus party had taken several pictures together. However she couldn't quite remember if Meis had done any.

Yuzus was easy to remember because of all the ruckus. Her party had taken several more photos than just the brides. Not only was there a variety of who was in the photo but also basically every pairing had a serious photo and a bit more of a silly one. Like how Nene had been too excited to see Yuzu in a wedding dress standing near Harumi that she ended up making a goofy smile before her nose started bleeding.

But everyone had gotten a chance for a picture with Yuzu, even if they weren't in her party. Yuzu worried it made her seem conceited but was surprised at all the people who took her up on the offer. Mitsuko and Maruta were happy to get a picture of the three of them, even Udagawa appreciated the chance and accepted.

"Uhhh...," the photographer looked over their files before showing the camera to Ume. "Yup! Both brides had their own little photo session."

"Right!" Ume almost face palmed her memory or lack there off. Mei had a similar session as Yuzu did, everyone in her party got a chance for a photo with just her. Then they all took more serious looking pictures together but Mei couldn't resist smiling during them all.

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