Wedding pt 7 Confession?

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"You two have fun now," Yuzu giggled as she waved Harumi and Matsuri off. Both of the girls already felt a bit embarrassed and Yuzus' teasing didn't help.

For Matsuri, this was a dream come true. A chance to be able to hold Harumi or even be held by her was something only previously experienced in dreams. Several dreams, majority of which were Matsuris.

Meanwhile Harumi was all sorts of anxious. Clearly this meant a lot to Matsuri and the brunette didn't wanna let her down or shatter that oddly adorable look on her face.

"R-right." Harumi nodded, her hand still being held by Matsuris shaking one.

"We'll be having cake soon," Mei reminded the standing pair. "But you'll have plenty of time."

"Feel free to have an extra dance or two if ya wanna." Yuzu smiled. That one didn't sound as much like teasing as before but more genuine.

Unlike Harumi, Yuzu had experienced a heartfelt dance and knew the joys it can bring to someone's heart. Yuzu didn't know if anything special would happen just because of a dance but it was obvious that Matsuri was hoping for some miracle.

"R-right." Matsuri nodded. She had been watching Harumis reaction about potentially having a second dance and wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Well.." Harumi cleared her throat, having enough of this awkward moment. "I'll be back soon."

"So," Yuzu started as Their table watched Matsuri lead Harumi over to the area assigned for dances. "Think anything will happen?"

"I'm not certain," Mei answered honestly.

"I at least hope one of them let's me be their maid of honor." Yuzu giggled before nuzzling against her wife. "Be great if you got to be the other."

Mei sighed at Yuzus' silly vision of the future but let her wife enjoy the fantasy. No need to burst her bubble Afterall.

As the pair walked they inadvertently caught several more glances. Inori was curious about what his sister and the booby lady were up to, enough to where he ended up missing something April said. He thinks it was about her name but was a bit distracted.

Even Ume was pulled from her conversation with shou upon noticing Matsuri walking by. She was gonna say something before seeing that Matsuru was not only holding hands with Harumi but also taking her directly towards the dance floor. Umes' own curiosity had peaked.

Once they reached a good spot in the dance floor Matsui waved at the DJ who nodded before pressing some button. Over the speakers a softly sung song started filling the ears of everyone who was listening. As Harumi expected, this wasn't a song you'd be doing any flashy dancing to.

"R-ready?" Matsuri timidly asked. She kept trying to steal glances at Harumi but not stare. It was too difficult to not wanna take in the view of her Senpai. On a normal day Harumi was already the prettiest in a typical room. Today? Didn't feel like much of an exception as far as Matsuri could tell.

"Sure," Harumi nodded. She silently prayed to not ruin something so apparently important to Matsuri.

Harumi didn't know what exactly to do but it seemed Matsuri was a step ahead of her. Once she had agreed Matsuri wrapped her arms under Harumis and put their bodies together.

It was so fast and sudden that Harumi needed to register what exactly Matsuri was doing. They hadn't been so close before, in fact Harumi questioned if they had ever even hugged. She even found some humor in that fact, especially considering Matsuri had an occasional habit of..

"Huh?" Harumi looked down upon feeling some movements that weren't necessary for slow dancing. She stood there being dumbfounded until she realized something was messing with her chest.

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