Zoo Trip

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"Shinji?" Yuzu proposed before taking a bite from her sandwich.

"I'm not sure...." Mei continued to think. "How does Hana sound?"

"Oh that one isn't bad." Yuzu smiled. "Definitely should go into maybe....what about Hiro?"

"Hiro...." Mei thought back to the purpose of this little discussion. "Personally I feel indifferent, it's good but I feel like there's better out there."

"Like....?" Yuzu smiled as she lightly proded Mei for answers.

"Like...Keiko?" Mei was visibly less confident in that name. She proposed her latest choice before sipping from her beverage.

"How about Kenji?" Yuzu built off what Mei was going with, hoping it was a reasonable compromise.

Currently our two beloved newlyweds are attending the local Zoo near their hotel. Yuzu had proposed that while they walk the pair should try and come up with a name for the little bear that came atop their wedding cake.

Mei was content with having Yuzu name it like she had almost everything else. But that wasn't going to fly by with Mrs.Okogi, she insisted that since it was a wedding gift they had to come up with a name together and decide on one. Knowing her wife had a point, Mei took this decision much more seriously than naming any of their other stuffed animals.

As they walked to the Zoo they both offered name after name, almost all of which were shot down. Some were universally liked but the pair felt like they could do better so Yuzu would write certain ones down so they don't forget and can come back to it later.

However that was over an ago, the pair took a break from choosing names so they could enjoy a trip to the zoo together. There were so many people and families that almost every exhibit was crowded.

After what felt like forever, Yuzu and Mei took a break from their Zoo exploration and opted to sit down, rest up and enjoy some lunch. It was then that the name debate came back up and led to where we currently are.

It wasn't a heated debate by any means, in fact Mei was surprised at how much she was enjoying trying to come up with a creative but good name.

"Sakura?" Mei proposed before accepting Yuzus' offer and taking a bite off Her sandwhich. She thought the name sounded lovely but couldn't help associating it with an odd sense of uselessness.

"Too useless." Yuzu thought aloud, saying exactly what Mei was thinking. "Kiyoshi?"

"How about Yuuki?" Mei proposed.

"Huh....." Yuzu thought it over. "Let's throw that in maybe, I like Yuuki."

"And please add Kiyoshi in there too," Mei smiled, hoping to be just as far as Yuzu.

"You got it baby." Yuzu Typed away on her phone. "Well I'm all set if you are, we can finish this up later."

"Yes, let's get going." Mei had a sense of excitement in her voice.

"Don't worry; I know exactly what you've been looking forward to and that can be our first stop post lunch." Yuzu offered a hand to Mei after they tossed their trash away.

"Is that so?" Mei asked, interested at Yuzus' insistence.

"Yup. And according to the map....." Yuzu browsed the map of the Zoo yet again. "The bears are over in this direction."

Yuzu felt her lover's ego grow ever so slightly as Meis' ears started to burn a light shade of pink. Seems she was right about Mei and what she really wanted to see today.

The sun was beating down on them as they walked past various groups and family's. Fortunately for them Yuzu had packed some water bottles in her purse for any emergency. It did make Mei start to consider maybe a purse is worth carrying around but before she could put too much thought into it Yuzu boldly stated "don't worry about it baby, I'll always be right beside you for anything."

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