Wedding pt 2 Yuzu

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"Next time you see my pretty face it'll be as your wife," Yuzu kissed the back of Meis' neck before nuzzling her. It wasn't 100% accurate but was basically a fact.

"I'm looking forward to it," Mei smiled after Yuzu ended the hug. Neither of them had to say that they weren't gonna kiss goodbye, it was already decided they would wait.

"You better," Yuzu laughed. "We're gonna live a long life together. Hope you're ready."

"If it'll be anything like our first year then I have high expectations," Mei smiled as Yuzu waved goodbye.

Once Yuzu had her back to Mei she could practically feel her eyes staring. Yuzu honestly loved it. Not only because actually being so attractive that Mei couldn't help but watch her butt as she walked. But also because Mei, her Mei, actually has such a perverted side to her that she HAD to stare

The perverted side Yuzu loved as much as the rest of her and hoped she'd see it just as much moving forward . So of course once given a chance, Yuzu did a little extra wiggle with her butt as she walked away. Daring Mei to look, knowing they both wanted her to.

They could both feel their excitement rise but knew it wasn't gonna be satisfied. Went without saying that things were DEFINITELY gonna be happening tomorrow night. Even to the point where Yuzu and Mei skipped doing it earlier this month, just to make it more special. Neither of them had brought it up at the time, like an unspoken rule.

So they both had been a tiny bit backed up. Even though Yuzu had gone out with Harumi and purchased something to wear for the occasion. They made sure to buy something that made her ass look so nice that Mei might bite it upon first glance, wanting to claim it as hers immediately.

Her ass looked so nice her wedding night lingerie that Harumi felt that little gay part of her grow a little gayer. She'd dare say she's maybe bicurious? Maybe curiously bicurious?

Harumi wasn't sure how to phrase it. She wasn't gay but maybe if an objectively nice looking girl came up to her and they started talking. Then that'll lead to a friendship where they can see if they really click. Eventually if the girl had asked Harumi out then maybe she'd go on a date? Maybe? It was confusing.

Besides not many guys have the guts to even approach her, it made dating a little difficult. So if a girl did then maybe the possibility was there.

Though it was odd, Yuzu and Harumi had gone shopping for sexy stuff before. But that time, Yuzu thought something was off with her best friend. She figured it was awkward helping pick out clothes someone was gonna wear for sex so she didn't push it.

After her little bit of flirty fun, Yuzu left the apartment and made her way downstairs to greet her maid of honor.

"Hey, ready to go?" Yuzu asked as Harumi was on her phone.

"One sec. replying to Matsuri," Harumi said as she typed.

"Matsuri?" Yuzu asked finding it ironic she had just texted her herself. "What'd she want?"

"Just dumb stuff," Harumi sighed as she finished her message. "You know how she can be."

Yuzu was a little surprised, usually she'd be the one saying that. "When'd they get so close?" She thought to herself.

"But! Anyway," Harumi smiled before taking Yuzus arm. "Let's get you to my place before the Mrs . Kills me."

Yuzu laughed at the joke but did wonder if Mei had said anything to Harumi about keeping her safe. If so, Yuzu would've found it adorable.

While walking Harumi told Yuzu the planned schedule. They were gonna go to Harumis grandmothers house and simply hang out until they go asleep (food being delivered) and they were not going anywhere at all. Then Harumi figured they should wake up a few hours before the wedding to make sure they can get ready here than get Yuzu ready the at the church.

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