Here comes the brides?

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"Then her father walks the bride down the aisle," Ume explained to April. "But in this instance, we have to compromise."

"Because there's 2 brides?" April asked her step mother for clarification.

"Yup, 2 brides." April smiled towards Yuzu and Mei who were sitting on the opposite side of the table, hand in hand. It wasn't entirely the fact that there's 2 brides but between the 2 they share one father. But April was close enough in Umes' eyes.

Upon discussing wedding preparation, a few small details had been brought to light. The first being how the girls would want to walk the isle. This specific part felt awkward given Mei and Shous rough relationship.

"So how do you girls wanna do it? You could have Shou walk one of you at a time, both together, or heck you don't even gotta do it that way," Ume asked. "I could even walk one of you if you two wanted."

Mei could feel Yuzus' hand squeeze more than typical for just holding hands but she didn't wanna draw too much attention to it. She'll make sure her love is alright after they finish wedding planning. Yuzu always comes to her with issues after all.

"I'm fine walking with my father," Mei commented. "It's a typical wedding tradition...Yuzu?"

"Hm..yeah?" Yuzu asked as she was pulled from her thoughts.

" something the matter?" Mei asked. She would've waited but Yuzu usually gave wedding planning 100% of her focus.

" Everything is fine!" Yuzu smirked too widely for Umes' liking. "What were we talking about?"

"Having my father walk me down the aisle, how do you feel about that?" Mei asked.

"W..well yeah duh!" Yuzu chuckled. "He's the father of the bride, and the bride walks the aisle with her father."

Ume looked like she had something she wanted to say before Mei spoke. "But what about you? You're the bride as well."

"I uh...I'm not sure..," Yuzu stopped to think.

"I know Shou would love to walk to walk you too Dear," Ume added. "He even told me himself."

"He did?" Yuzu asked genuinely surprised. She knew the man she called her step father can be pretty awkward and rough around the edges much like Mei was. So hearing that he said he wanted to walk her down the aisle was a surprise indeed.

"Yup," Ume did a quick check of the apartment to make sure he wasn't in an ear shot. "He said he's really looking forward to it." The older woman couldn't help a giggle at the memory.

"My father could walk us both if you'd like, or just me while mother walks you," Mei offered, hoping to cheer up Yuzu

"I..I see," Yuzu shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "Could we...could we maybe call it a day? I'm not feeling well."

"Is something wrong?" Mei asked before Ume could speak. "If something is bothering you than you can...,"

"I'm alright," Yuzu stood up and released Meis' hand. "Just need to lie down for a while."

Mei knew better. She KNEW better than to believe that. However there was nothing she could do at the moment, even if she was lying Yuzu wasn't doing anything wrong by wanting to lay down.

"Yuzu....," Mei felt her heart crack at Yuzu blatantly lying while she's in some kind of pain. All she wanted was to help.

"I'll see you guys later," Yuzu waved her family away as she returned to her apartment, leaving a flabbergasted Mei.

"Is she okay?" April asked her remaining family.

"I...I don't know...," Mei said before standing up and getting ready to follow.

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