Consequence of Coitus

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"Mei!" Yuzu moaned as she leaned forward, relying only on her arms for support.

Meis tongue had all but forced Yuzus' arms to grow weak and had forced the blonde to collapse on the bed. Her first orgasm and it was thanks to the love of Yuzus life during their first time. Truly a perfect anniversary, one they'll never forget.

"So...good," Yuzu moaned as she cuddled up to her lover, thoughts of the previous night still very fresh in her mind. It had been several hours since the couple had first fallen asleep together and was now early in the morning.

Yuzu wasn't entirely awake yet, she just kept playing the memory of the night on repeat in her dreams. Mei coming home late, the beautiful dress she wore, the gift she had given Yuzu, the sight, taste and sounds of her lover.

Everything made for possible the best dream Yuzu could imagine, pure happiness. This was interrupted when she felt something squeezing her, not like a hug either. Like an out of no where surprise.

This had started Yuzus wake up process as she slowly blinked her eyes open. She thought she saw Meis' face move a little but was too tired to catch that.

"Hmm?" Yuzu groaned, still half awake as she wonder why she was awoken. "Something was squeezing me....must've been a dream."

The blonde had then mindlessly reached to scratch herself, but found Meis hand instead. "Hm?" Yuzu thought, "a hand? Isn't this my.....,"

Yuzus' eyes had then shot wide at the realization. She was still cuddled with Mei while the younger woman had her hand firmly on her butt.

"Meis touching me....," Yuzu thought as her heart began to race. She didn't genuinely mind but Mei had only started doing it last night and Yuzu wasn't use to waking up to being touched there.

"She's touching me...," Yuzu felt herself calming down, as the shock died off. A smile was now wide on her face.

Whether the smile was from being touched like this by Mei, memories of last night or the fact they were at this point physically was unknown for certain.

That clam went out the window once Yuzu felt another squeeze and let out an adorable squeak.

"Mm?" Mei groaned, pretending to be just waking up.

"M-Mei?!" Yuzu gasped as Mei blinked her the tired away.

"Yes Love?" Mei smiled as she used her free hand to wipe her eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" Yuzu asked, smiling back at her lover.

"Hmm...I suppose not. Afterall we usually wake up around this time on the weekend," Mei said, slightly letting it slip she had been awake. Thankfully, Yuzu is oblivious.

"Yeah I guess you're right....," Yuzu sheepishly smiled before kissing Meis cheek. "Good morning."

"Good morning Love," Mei was now fully awake and capable of admiring how beautiful Yuzu was. It made her heart race a little.

"You want some breakfast?" Yuzu asked, still cuddling next to Mei.

Mei was getting ready to ask that but was beaten to it. "If you don't mind. Would you like some as well?" The younger girl had began doing a typical morning stretch.

"Yeah! I'd love som....," Yuzu felt herself short circuit once the blanket had fallen from Meis chest, revealing one of her new favorite views. Plus a few new makings on said views.

The fact they had gone to sleep naked hadn't occurred to either of them as they both felt a blush forming on their faces.

There was a slight awkward silence as the couple got dressed, it was made worse for Mei when she took a peak at Yuzu and saw a bite mark on her butt. It had made Mei blush and smile timidly at her work.

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