Chapter 3

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It had been almost 2 weeks since their mother had found out about Yuzu and Mei yet things were still kind of awkward. For example, it seemed the girls avoided any physical contact whatsoever. Even small things like handing something to another and Ume was starting to blame herself. She knew she should've waited for them to tell her when they're ready but the evidence was too concerning.

Mei on the other hand was stressed out. It didn't help that Shou would be returning any day now and everything was settling in for her. Student council work, her father returning and all the conversations that will follow, and the fact that Ume has been home a lot more lately causing her to not have desired Yuzu time. Yeah they have been around each other a lot but with Ume around it felt like they had to really watch what they say and do. It wasn't anything bad but Mei figured her step mother seeing them kiss or hug might make things awkward.

And yeah they could get away with things in their room but they both had an idea where doing stuff there could go and weren't too keen on it. Also they didn't want to spent all day in their room souly to cuddle. "I'm home," Mei declared as she entered their apartment. After a few moments her lover came to greet her with a warm smile and big hug.

"Welcome home, Mei." It's not that Mei was unhappy with being greeted this way but she just didn't expect all the energy Yuzu was bringing to it. "Thank you, Yuzu" she said as she returned the hug, albeit comparably a lot less nice as the one she received. "I have something for you." Yuzu told her, still smiling like a fool.

"You do?" Last time Yuzu had a surprise for Mei it was the best thing she had even been given so the bar was pretty high. "Yup!" Yuzu said as she took Meis' hand and let them into the living room. It was no "best gift ever" but Mei was pleasantly surprised with what she saw. In front of her was her favorite food with desert next to a movie she did express liking to see.

"I know you've been kind of stressed about your dad and So this is a sorta apology/ pick you up. And Mama shouldn't be home for a few hours so we can well not be awkward." Meis' heart fluttered at the thought of someone not only noticing everything that's stressing her but actually wanting to do something about it. "Thank you...Yuzu".

She then proceeded to excuse herself to change and left in a noticeable faster pace than usual for her. "Finally," she thought "mother won't be here, Yuzu and I can have actual quality time together. Not just before bed even...thank you Yuzu, I needed this." Mei quickly changed into an outfit that, despite denying it, she had noticed Yuzu staring more at when she wore. She wasn't usually fond of wearing things just for other people's eyes but with everything Yuzu was doing, she deserved it.

"Alright Yuzu, I'll make some tea." Mei said as she entered the room and her heart sank. "Oh hi dear." Ume walked up and hugged her youngest. "Mother...hello...I thought you would be home late," she wanted to sound happy but was shooting a glare at Yuzu. "I was supposed to yeah but we finished the daily quota for our project early so here I am" Ume just smiled, oblivious to what was going to happen.

A clearly distressed Yuzu walked over to Mei and told her "I..I'm sorry. We can do this some other night. I'll take care of everything " Then started to talk towards the kitchen with the food. Between having a great night taken from her and seeing a sad Yuzu, Mei had had enough. Before Yuzu could open the fridge Mei slammed her hand on the door and said "Get on the couch."

"I don't know just wouldn't be the same...I'm sorry alright? I'll make it up to you." Using what Yuzu called her "President voice" Mei looked her dead in the eyes and repeated herself "Get on the couch." Not immune to her lovers' intimidation, Yuzu proceeded to walk back to the living room and sit down.

"Mother, Yuzu and I plan on watching a movie and eating our dinner together. Is that all right?" Ume thought it was a weird question, if they wanted to do something like that than obviously that's okay. "Well yeah, that's fine. I'll just eat in my room." In all honesty Ume was happy her girls were doing something like that, made her feel better about confronting them. "Thanks Mama," Yuzu chimed in with a smile.

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