Wedding pt 6 Dance Dance Revelation

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"W-would you dance with me, Mama?" Yuzu asked.

Ume had frozen where she sat, her daughter actually catching her off guard. She hadn't been this thrown off by Yuzu since Mei and her came out as a couple.

"M-me? You wanna dance with me?" Ume asked. As far as she knew, Mei was hopefully gonna ask Shou to dance with her. To Umes knowledge Yuzu was on the fence about asking him after. However during all of the planning and preparation Ume dancing with either of them hadn't been discussed.

Ume simply figured they'd both prefer Shou, their father and step father. Afterall they were both brides and typically the brides dance with their father.

"It was just us for so long, for the majority of my life you were the one raising me. Even without dad, you stepped up and took care of me. You worked hard and loved me enough for you and dad." Yuzu blushed as she opened up to Ume.

It was rather embarrassing to lay out her feelings like this but it had to be said. Sure Ume and Yuzu liked to tease each other but at the end of the day Yuzu knows she can always go to Ume or be honest about how she feels. Though it didn't make saying this any easier for Yuzu, especially since Mei is the only other person she has shared these feelings with.

"So, as the one who raised me, I want you to be the parent I dance with...please?" Yuzu timidly asked.

Ume could see past Yuzu and noticed Mei and Shou. However they weren't dancing, instead it seemed like the pair had been waiting for their spouses to join them. This was all part of Yuzu and Meis little surprise for each of their parents. After all the love and support Ume and Shou have given them, it was a bare minimum they deserved and even Mei felt so with Shou.

"Y-yes.." Ume choked up. "Yes I'll dance with you, Yuzu." Once on her feet Ume just had to pull her baby into an almost bone crushing hug. Yuzu was relieved that it went well and wanted to give her mama the moment but hadn't anticipated this.

Sure Yuzu knew Ume would say yes and that it would probably mean a lot to her. But Umes light sobs made it clear just how much this meant to the mother. That, along with the intense hug, made Yuzu tear up but it was probably just the emotional aspects.

"Well," Yuzu grunted as she was squeezed. "Do ya wanna dance or do ya wanna just hug me all day?" Both ideas seemed amusing in their own ways.

"Sorry," Ume chuckled, wiping her eyes free of any stray treats. "Yeah let's get going, I'm sure Mei wouldn't like that."

Ume smirked as she caught a glance of an anxious looking Mei standing next to her father. It was obvious Mei was nervous about the dance, in fact they both looked uncertain. However Ume liked being able to tell herself that mei was simply THAT protective of her wife, getting anxious whenever anything happened.

"Are you Ready?" Mei asked her family as Yuzu and Ume approached them.

"Are you?" Ume asked; being keenly aware of just how anxious both Mei and Shou looked. Yuzu and her were way closer than Mei was to Shou, it was gonna be way easier for the mother and daughter.

"No but we'll manage, right Mei?" Shou asked his daughter nervously. He still couldn't believe Mei wanted to dance with him.

"R-right." Mei nodded, her cheeks a light shade of pink. Even she was surprised this was happening. Maybe she could stall for time and mentally pre...

"So what are we waiting for?" Yuzu chimed in. "Our reception is long but it's not all day."

"Thank you dear wife....." Mei thought to herself, any potential bitterness being melted away upon referring to Yuzu as her wife.

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