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"I wonder what all sorts of fish they'll have." Yuzu casually commented as she swung her and Meis' hands. "This is supposed to be a highly rated aquarium after all."

"You could always check on your phone if you're that curious." Mei responded as her hand was swung by Yuzus' but she didn't care.

"Mmmmm." Yuzu thought. "Nah. I kinda like not knowing, can't help but be curious though, ya know?"

"That's fair. Truth be told, I too am very curious about what all they'll have. This is my first time going to one." Mei smiled, happy to experience another first with Yuzu.

Their lives as a married couple only began a week ago and it already felt like they've experienced so much together. Maybe it was just the magic of knowing they're on their honeymoon but every little experience was exciting as long as they were together. New experiences, old ones, everything felt so wonderful for the pair.

Even Yesterday's little adventure was fun for Mei. It was a bit of an odd choice but Yuzu had mentioned she would kinda like to try lazer tag before they go home. Being the good wife that she is, Mei proposed they do so and after Yuzu gushed about how much she loved Mei, they were on their way.

Fortunately the area that held the game was within walking distance from the pairs' hotel. While walking Yuzu tried to return Meis' polite gesture by swinging by her favorite of the various Cafes and grabbing them some crepes.

Mei wasn't particularly hungry but wasn't gonna ruin the gesture and happily ate it with one hand and held Yuzus' with the other. Plus, it's hard to turn down such a good crepe when delivered by such a beauty.

After arriving at the little arena, Mei was surprised to be given a health waiver. Yuzu thought nothing of it and was gonna sign but Mei stopped her so she could thoroughly read it. Ultimately it was just them saying there might be flashing lights and aren't liable if something happens to someone who is prone to seizures.

Mei sighed in relief as she signed it, Yuzu giggling at how serious her wife was. But Yuzu appreciated all those little things mei would do for her, even giving her a quick peck on the cheek as they sat in the waiting area. Fortunately everyone there was more focused on the upcoming match to even acknowledge the lesbians.

Yuzu and Mei were soon assigned to the orange team, facing off against the purple squad. They were quickly briefed about the standard rules, no running or climbing onto anything, pretty standard stuff. It seemed easy enough, either eliminate all of the other team at once or shoot a certain target somewhere on their half of the field a bunch.

The pair was given weird vests with orange lights on them, if shot then it would blink red until they returned to the "base" and were back in the game.

Yuzu seemed excited and like normal her enthusiasm was contagious, even other members of the orange team were getting hyped up. Mei wasn't as hyped as her teammates but was determined to give this her all. was a massacre.

The purple squad must've had significantly more experience doing this, every round they played with lots of callouts and some of them even wiping out most of orange alone. They never cheated, just outplayed Yuzu and Mei and the rest of their team time and time again.

After 30 minutes of being massacred the game had ended. Yuzu hadn't done bad by any means, landing a few shots on their bases' target and even several elims, but never was able to carry her team to victory. Mei...tried.

Her aim wasn't the best but at least she was smart enough to have good positioning, even landing herself a single elim. But they peeked out from a corner and tagged Mei before she got any decent shot off.

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