Yuzu BP

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"Yuzu..." Mei gulped, her heart feeling like it could jump out from her chest. "To say you're the light in my life would be an understatement. You came into my dark world and continue to shine brighter than any star."

Mei sighed as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. "It's not bad but could it be better?"

With the wedding being only a week away, everyone was on edge. Of course Mei had written her vows months ago but with it being so close she begun questioning herself.

Were her vows good? Were they too dramatic? Not dramatic enough? Did they really convey they way Mei feels about Yuzu? Will Yuzu feel as loved as Mei? Can she even say this in front of anyone?

Mei couldn't help but wonder things like this as time refused to stop. Though the fact they were gonna be married soon definitely helped. It helped for sure but Mei couldn't help feeling anxious

Looking down at the ring on her finger filled Mei with a sense of calm. "Alright...once more." She said before looking through the vows she had written down in her journal.

"Yuzu I...,"


"Hey Mei ya in there?" Yuzu said from outside the bathroom.

Mei stopped her speaking instantly, hoping Yuzu hadn't heard her talking to herself. Her heart racing almost as much as before.

"Mei?" Yuzu said after not getting a response.

"Y-yeah Yuzu. I'm in here. Come in," Mei responded as Yuzu opened the door.

"Were you talking to someone?" Yuzu asked, finding it kinda amusing if Mei wasn't and was only talking to herself.

"No," Mei said as she watched Yuzu get ready. "Are...are you going somewhere?" It was already 6pm, Yuzu going anywhere at this hour was odd unless it's dinner related.

"Yeah," Yuzu sighed. She honestly planned on having a nice night in to enjoy her summer. Maybe watch a movie with Mei and cuddle until they're ready for bed, it sounded nice. Even if part of Yuzu thought that a night like what she had described made her sound old.

Though she really didn't mind, nights like that were always fun in their own way. Plus they do go on dates quite often, so it's not like that was all they ever did. Now THAT would make Yuzu feel old.

"You don't seem too thrilled," Mei said as she handed Yuzu a hair brush.

"Thanks Baby," Yuzu said casually yet sincerely. "Well it's not that I'm not excited, it was just so last minute."

"Where you going?" Mei asked as she watched Yuzu brush her hair.

"Matsuri wants to do something. Initially I turned it town but she persisted and now here we are," Yuzu sighed before smiling. "I don't actually know what we're doing. I was just told to be ready at 6:30."

"She's not trying one of her games is she?" Mei asked, getting herself ready to step in.

"Hmmm," Yuzu thought. "I actually don't think so. I think she genuinely just wants to have a fun time."

"Alright..;" Mei sighed in relief. Last thing they needed right now was more stress, especially from that girl.

"Oh don't worry about me and dinner, we're also gonna stop somewhere and eat," Yuzu said as she turned in front of the mirror.

"Alright," Mei said before Yuzu took up a weird pose in front of the mirror. Her back was bending and yuzus hands had a peace sign, plus her legs were oddly positioned.

"So!" Yuzu smiled at meis baffled reaction. "How do I look?"

"Uh..," Mei thought, having not expected anything like this. Of course she looked adorable to Mei but also kinda silly. Whether that was good silly or bad silly Mei couldn't tell.

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