Honeymoon Begins

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"Wife, can you pass me the hot sauce?" Yuzu asked at the breakfast table. Today they were leaving for their honeymoon and wouldn't return until after Yuzus' birthday. That's why Yuzu had wanted to make sure they both had plenty to eat this morning. They're gonna be using a lot of money to afford this trip, Better to save a bit by eating a good breakfast.

"You don't use hot sauce for breakfast?" Mei was taken aback by the odd request of Yuzus'.

"Hm?" Yuzu stopped and thought about the breakfast they were eating. "Guess you're right. Sorry wifey, after last night I might not be thinking right."

Mei almost spat a bit of her coffee out at the remark about their after party. it was fine for Yuzu to talk about them having sex, they were in their apartment after all. The topic was just odd for breakfast.

After a rather lengthy after party, the couple had finally called it a night and managed to get a few hours of sleep. Mei did set an alarm extra early so she could wash her and Yuzus' discarded outfits; they now felt mandatory for their honeymoon. They were currently in the dryer as the couple ate breakfast.

It did feel like a magical night though, Mei even found herself Walking oddly while Yuzu tried to hide her own odd strut.

However that was last night, today they were finally about to begin their honeymoon. In only 30 minutes their ride would arrive and begin their journey. They did make sure to request a bigger vehicle, having 2 peoples luggage for 3 weeks isn't exactly the job for a small car.

"So what shall we do first my dear wife," Yuzu giggled, the charm of calling Mei her wife not going anywhere anytime soon.

"We should unpack and settle in," Mei stated. "I'll be our home for the next few weeks, better to get settled in."

"We do have 3 weeks though," Yuzu gestured to Meis' now empty dishes. "Wouldn't hurt to go out a bit."

"Thank you, I'll help." Mei got up and helped Yuzu clean their dishes. Yuzu would clean and Mei would dry them, such a married couple's way of doing things. Even this little chore, one they've done before, felt special as they did as wives.

Yuzu was all sorts of smiles as they cleaned the few dishes they had. It didn't take long for Mei to catch Yuzus' contagious joy and sigh.

"I suppose going out for a bit wouldn't hurt," Mei relented, catching Yuzu off guard.

"Huh?" Yuzu asked. She had been genuinely just really happy, not trying to lure Mei in with a fake/adorable smile. She'd never.....

"When we arrive at the hotel we can drop our luggage off and go out," Mei followed this with a kiss on Yuzus' cheek. She couldn't help following it up like that, it felt like the perfect critical hit on Yuzu.

And it worked, Yuzus smile somehow grew even brighter than before. "Thanks baby!"

"I can't say no to her...oh no....." Mei vaguely thought, a playful smile on her face.

With the dishes clean the couple did one last check of their apartment to make sure everything was as it should be. Despite the fact that they were gonna be gone for an extended period of time, the apartment wasn't gonna be empty the whole time. Ume and Shou had taken it upon themselves to make sure the wedding gifts would be patiently waiting for Yuzu and Meis' return, meaning they'd be in the apartment at least a few times.

Mei had also given April the important responsibility of checking in on LAM, Anthonico and the rest of their little stuffed animal collection, just so they wouldn't get lonely. It was all in good fun but April took it serious enough, promising to visit them at least once a day, with ume or Shou.

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