Mother's Day

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"Is she sleeping?" Yuzu asked her step father whom had peaked his head into his shared room.

"Y...yeah, looks like she's still out cold." Shou sighed in relief snd shut the door. "You girls all set?"

"Yes," Mei nodded holding a tray of breakfast foods.

"You betcha!" Yuzu declared holding 3 red roses in a tiny vase.

"Mhm," April nodded, clenching a folded piece of paper.

"Alright then," Shou took a deep breath before opening the door, letting his daughters in.

Surrounding the sleepy beauty, Mei could tell where Yuzu got her sleeping habits. One arm was bent and at an odd angle, and her leg was shooting out from the cover. Didn't help she had a strand of hair in her mouth, not exactly the definition of graceful.

"Happy Mother's Day mama!" Yuzu declared, startling Ume in her slumber.

"Huh?" Ume grumbled. "What's goin on?"

"Happy Mother's Day, mother," Mei said in a quieter tone than Yuzu but not with less heart.

"Mother'" Ume asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. After rubbing some of the sleep away, she looked at her family around.

Smacking her lips, she removed the hair as the gears began to turn. "Oh that's right!" She clapped her hands together.

"It's Mother's Day, thank you girls!" Ume smiled at her family, vaguely noticing what they each had. She had started resisting any tears, it was such a sweet unexpected moment. "You too Shou, thanks ."

"Y-yeah no problem," he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. First Mother's Day he actually felt happy to celebrate in a long time, even if it's not his mother.

"Here you go," Mei was the first to offer up the gift she held. "Yuzu and I prepared some breakfast for you. Though I wouldn't recommend eating it all."

"Aww thanks sweetie," Ume smiled at Meis slight awkwardness. She happily took the tray and looked over the food. "Wait why wouldn't...,"

"We also got you," Yuzu chimed in and handed Ume the vase. "1 rose from each of us."

"They're adorable!" Ume smiled and sniffed the roses. "Roses always smell so nice, thank you girls!" She has tried to go for a hug but the tray of food limited her movement.

"I'll get a hug from each of you later okay?" Ume compromised. She wanted to pull both her girls into a tight hug but putting aside what Mei prepared felt rude, especially if she wasn't supposed to eat it all for some reason.

"That's fine," Mei agreed.

"Uhmm," April said, half trying to hide behind Mei and half trying to let herself be shown. Usually she was fine being in line of sight but today she felt especially nervous.

Yuni hadn't ever mentioned such a day so having a random day to celebrate mother's was kind of surprising. Plus April would rather focus on Ume and feel nervous than think of Yuni and curl into a crying ball.

While she has come a long way since moving in with her father and step mother, she wasn't immune to the occasional pain of being literally abandoned. Of course she was under the impression Yuni left her here for her good, a part of her felt like it was more. Much more.

"I didn't forget about you," Ume smiled at her youngest. "You're getting a hug too....what's this?"

April had handed her a folded piece of paper. "It''s a card. For you."

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