Harumi helps Mei

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"How about a Goodnight kiss?" Matsuri asked.

"Are you stupid?" Harumi asked. "That's not how phone calls work."

"You could kiss your phone," matsuri retorted over the phone. "And I'll kiss mine."

Harumi let out a heavy sigh at the odd request. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, I'm hanging up."

"Byeee Senpai," Matsuri said mischievously. "Try not to dream of me too much.... Sempai?" She asked as the call ended abruptly.

Reading her phone screen, Harumi had noticed the call had lasted the better part of two hours. "That girl," she said to herself, a small smile still visible on her lips.

Harumi did plan on showering but had delayed it thanks to Matusri's call. She delayed it even more when the younger girl insisted she takes one and they FaceTimed during it...

"Better now than never," Harumi shrugged as she got up and headed to the bath.


"Hm?" Her attention drawn to the notification on her phone. Opening it, the message was certainly unexpected.

"Hello Harumi, I'm sorry to message you at this hour,"-The Prez.

"Odd," Harumi thought. She and Mei barely ever text each other, though Harumi assumed this was Yuzu related.

"Oh hey Prez...," Harumi looked at the message before retyping it. Mei was trying to be friends so of course Harumi would too.

"Hey Mei. Don't worry about it, I'm always up this at this time." She sent the message and waited for a reply.

The little bubbles popped up almost instantly , signifying Meis' typing. "She must really need to talk?" Harumi thought.

"That's good...are you well?"-The Prez

"Yeah I'm good. How about you? Is Yuzucchi okay?" Harumi sent.

"I'm glad to hear. Yes, Yuzu and I are both doing well."-The Prez.

Harumi had started a response but Mei had beat her to it with a follow up text.

"Harumi I need a favor from you. I request your assistance regarding the wedding,"- The Prez.

"The wedding??" Harumi thought, her interest now peaked. She had entered maid of honor mode and was ready.

"The wedding?? Did something happen??"

"Yes, the wedding. No nothing happened. I simply require help and you're the best person for the job,"-The Prez.

"Well what do you need??" Harumi asked. The message bubbles popped up but Mei took a few minutes to reply. All of which Harumi spent with her eyes glued on the screen, ready to help her best friend's fiancé.

"I need something. Something to wear that is,"-The Prez.

"Something to wear?" Harumi obliviously thought. "I thought she and the VP got dresses for the reception together?"

While thinking about it, another message came through.

"I'll be blunt. Yuzu has informed me that she has shared details about our....personal relations with you. She has also informed me that you assisted her while she was shopping for our anniversary."- The Prez.

It was true, Yuzu had told Harumi about her sex life. Nothing specific like things Mei likes and doesn't like, only the fact that it happened.

Harumi didn't even know they had what Yuzu calls a "sex schedule".

She did get an odd feeling in her stomach as she imagined where this could go...

"I would like to get something to wear like Yuzu got for our anniversary. You know clothing better than I do so that's why I'm asking. I'll understand if you say no, but I ask you don't say anything to Yuzu,"- The Prez.

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