Chapter 52-I'll Be Back 🕒Wednesday, January 1st, 2019🕞

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Chicago, 2019

I struggled to breathe as I took in my surroundings. What was going on? Had Flint made an error in his time calculations? I sat up slowly, to discover that I was sitting on the lab table, the coldness of it against my bare legs in the shorts that I had definitely not been wearing when I had first left the lab to travel back in time. Strange.

Victor and Algernon towered over me, looking exceedingly pleased with themselves.

"Here you are! Returned to the present in every sense. Like you had never left."

My mouth was very dry. "In every sense?"

Victor leaned against the lab table. "Yes, dear. Same clothes, same you. Same...everything."

I frowned. "But, it's not. I was wearing leggings and a crew neck."

The two men standing in the room looked at each other.

"Wendy, why don't you come sit down on the couch. It's clear that this experience has affected you."

"Wait..." I stood up on shaky legs, walking slowly across the room. Something wasn't was hard to put into words but everything was all simply didn't feel right. "Where is my backpack? The one I arrived with?"

"Over there...on the shelf." He pointed to the corner of the room where my purple backpack had evidently been stowed for safe-keeping. I unzipped the small pouch in the front, only to discover in dismay that it was missing.

"Victor, where's my Beatles book?"

"Your what?"

"My Beatles book! You know, the one I was reading for my music appreciation elective. I want to look and see if any history has been altered."

The man frowned. "I'm sorry dear...I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about..."

Panic swelled in my chest. "Don't do that, Victor! That isn't funny!"

"But Wendy, dear, I'm not joking...I genuinely don't know what you're talking about..."

"The book or The Beatles?"


A laugh of anxiety escaped my throat. "Really, Victor. I just spent nearly three months with them. Please don't tell me you lost my book."

"With who Wendy?"

Something was most definitely off. I paced towards them, frantically.

"The Beatles, The Beatles, THE BEATLES!" I waved my arms wildly. "Good golly, Victor! This isn't that God-awful film that came out over the summer with Himesh Patel where the Beatles don't exist! Don't mess with me like that!"

Once again, the two men looked at each other, looking back at me with what could only be presumed as sympathy. Victor approached me slowly and concisely.

"Now listen to me, Wendy." he spoke slowly and patronizingly as if I were a child. "Why don't you lie down until the doctor gets here? We've sent for a psychiatrist to check you over before the press arrives. It's clear that you are not well..."

"Not well??!" I squealed. "You bet I'm not well! I just spent three months in England WITH THE BEATLES and apparently I'm the only one in the universe that can attest to what has happened-" I stopped, frantically trying to comb back through my memory. The universe -that was it! It had to be, right? Something must have gone wrong from the time I had left the boys' room at the hotel and returned to mine which had altered the space time continuum...yes, that was it! Flint had alluded to the possibility of mirror universes. Was it possible that I had altered time in a way that I had traveled multidimensionally?

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