Chapter 46-Beware of Darkness 🕒Friday, December 13th, 1963🕞

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With a hand on the small of my back, George guided me firmly through the doors of the studio.

"Wendy! Ello love!" Ringo called out from behind the drums. I smiled.

"Hi Rings. Where are the others?"

"In the back room. They're having a bit of a squabble."

My stomach flopped. Whatever it was it couldn't be good. George rolled his eyes.

"I'll go see what's keeping them."

"No George don't!" The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. I swallowed. "I mean I'm sure they'll be out when they're ready."

George frowned and was about to say something when Brian and George Martin appeared.

"Oh, hello Wendy!" Brian greeted me warmly. I blushed. There had certainly been a turning of tables since the last time.

"Hello, Brian. Mr. Martin."

George Martin nodded at me and looked straight at George.

"George, we must speak to you about your riff in Roll Over Beethoven." He looked at me. "Do you mind?"

My eyes widened.

"Oh no, take your time! I won't bother a soul, I swear! Thank you for inviting me back!"

Brian chuckled.

"Oh it's no bother." he patted my arm. "Thank you for keeping the boys happy."

I blushed and laughed nervously.

"Thank you for letting me."

Brian trailed after the two Georges who were making their way to the sound booth and I was left alone in the main room with Ringo.

"Well, now." Ringo said climbing down from his throne. "What do you say we get a cuppa?"

I grinned. "That sounds lovely."

As we made our way towards the kitchen I was cut short by hushed voices.

"Erm, you go on and put the kettle on Ritchie. I'll be right there."

Ringo shrugged and headed for the kitchen.

"Suit yourself."

I bit my lip and cautiously made my way down the long hall to where I had woken up from my "nap" which seemed decades prior. Had it only been one month? The voices belonged to Paul and John and Paul sounded hysterical. I gulped at the mention of my name.

"I just don't understand her, John!" he exclaimed. "She came in, sat down, and played the song...very thoroughly, mind you."

I peered around the corner to survey the scene before me. Paul was pacing back and forth like a caged tiger and John stood in the corner smoking a cigarette, a look of amusement and contemplation upon his countenance. For someone so red-blooded I was perplexed as to how he wasn't more moved.

"Paulie. Keep yer shirt on."

Paul stopped pacing and looked up.

"It doesn't strike you odd?"

John flicked an ash into the ashtray and looked his bandmate in the eye.

"Don't yer feel tha' yer making this thing a little drastic?"

Paul picked at his nails.

"But John! You even said that you hadn't played it!"

"So I did."

"And tha' you haven't spoken to the girl in a week."

"True that."

Paul ran his fingers through his hair.

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