Chapter 13 - I Want to Hold Your Hand 🕒Wednesday, November 6th, 1963🕞

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I was beginning to get used to life at the Ashers. Mr. Spinetti had been accurate in his description; it was beginning to feel like a circus. There was always something going on there, and you just never knew who you were going to run into or who'd be popping by. I, for one, was holding out for the day Mick Jagger decided to show. Gordon was always hanging around whenever Peter was home and often brought his friends with him. This was one of those such days, and they were making quite the ruckus.

"Peter! Quiet down up there!" Maggie yelled up the stairs in annoyance. She walked back into the kitchen rolling her eyes. "Boys will be boys." she said, picking up a plate in the sink with a sigh. Jane and I sat at the table next to Mr. Asher who was, as always, reading the paper before he left for work. I was beginning to believe that he was your typical 60's sitcom "man of the house" in every sense.

"You'd better get used to it, mother." Jane said from the table.


"Because it's just going to get worse. Paul and John are on their way over here right now."

"Oh no they're not!"

"Yes, mother. I told you last night."

"You did?"

Jane looked at me and rolled her eyes in jest. Maggie huffed and shook her head.

"This generation's gone to pot." Mr. Asher commented from the head of the table. "And I'm not going to stick around to watch it go to waste." He stood up and put on his coat.

"Goodbye dear." Maggie said, handing him his brief case and kissing his cheek just as the doorbell rang. Mr. Asher walked across the room and opened it revealing John and Paul. He made a disgruntled sound and walked away.

"G'morning to you too, mister!" John shouted after him. Paul punched him in the shoulder.

"Oi! That's me future father-in-law!"

"Aye! He's a swine!"

Jane looked at me and giggled.

"Hello, boys." she said as we walked over. I was a little nervous to see John again, after what had happened yesterday. But it seemed that all had been forgotten. The pendulum had swung back yet again to my side, and Lennon was in my favor today.

"Ello, Jane! Ello, Missy!" he said, walking in and patting me on the head. I looked up at him sarcastically.

"I'm not a dog, Lennon."

"Hello, girls!" Paul said, kissing Jane and closing the door. John was already halfway upstairs. I smirked as Maggie hollered at him to tell Peter to keep it down. Although it was Wednesday, the boys had the day off and had come over to jam and exchange some songs with Peter and Gordon, who had already been at it for nearly an hour. Peter really looked up to them, John in particular, and I knew they were going to be excited.

"This a boys' club or are the girls invited?" Jane teased, as we followed John into Peter's room. Paul nodded and whispered something to her, making her giggle profusely. I couldn't help but smile, they were too cute. I only wished George was there.

We sat down on the sofa and watched the boys mingle, laughing and carrying on like old-time friends.

"Lennon! It's good to see ya, mate!" Peter exclaimed, shaking his hand enthusiastically. He looked at Paul. "You too, McFartney!" Paul rolled his eyes. John took out his guitar and began to strum a Buddy Holly song. Everyone joined in, stomping, and clapping along, and it quickly turned into a big singalong. I knew all the songs, and I was having such a wonderful time. Suddenly, John handed me his guitar.

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