Chapter 12 - And Your Bird Can Sing 🕒Tuesday, November 5th, 1963🕞

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We headed back to the studio and walked in to find John speaking with two well-dressed, uppity-looking men.

"Hello, Eppy!" Paul called out.

"Ello, boys." The man said in a posh accent, acknowledging our presence while the other man appeared to be in a heated argument with John. He crossed the room to where Jane and I stood.

"Good to see you, Jane." he said. Then, he looked quizzically at me. "I'm afraid I don't know you, love. Have we met?"

"No, sir. My name's Wendy Parker."

"Wendy! Ah, yes! The boys have told me a great deal about you!" he exclaimed, shaking my hand. "I'm the boy's manager, Brian Epstein!"

Ah, the infamous Brian Epstein. I knew I recognized his face from somewhere.

"So nice to meet you!" I said.

"And you." he said, kindly. "So, you're staying in London with Jane?"

"Yes, she is!" Jane said, smiling. I nodded.

"Well Wendy, if there's anything at all I can do for you to make your...stay here in London more comfortable, just let me know." he said, walking back over to where John and the other man stood. "John, please try and be reasonable. George knows what he's doing."

John turned around to face him.

"Leave it out, Eppy." he snapped, strutting away from the arguing businessman. He walked over to Paul and whispered something in his ear before casting Brian a nasty look and heading outside to have a cigarette. I looked at Jane for clarification and she shrugged.

"That's George Martin, their producer." she said. "John and him get into it a bit sometimes and can be rather temperamental. I guess it's one of those days."

I nodded, stealing a quick glance at the great George Martin, and followed Jane into the kitchen to leave the boys to resolve things as now was not the time for introductions. Ringo stood in the corner eating a sandwich.

"Hello, Rich!" I said.

"Came in here to escape." he said, chuckling. "John can get pretty ugly sometimes."

"Why? What happened?"

"He doesn't like how Martin always tries to control things. Doesn't like him hanging round the studio all the time. Personally, I don't blame him, but George does a lot for us."

"What do I do?" George asked curiously, entering the kitchen and crossing his arms.

"Not you...Martin. I was telling Wendy about his little spat with John."

"Oh." George said, making a cuppa.

"Did you leave Paul alone in there?" Jane asked.

"Yeah." George chuckled and Jane ventured back in to see if there was any progress being made. Meanwhile, George and Ringo seemed to be communicating with their eyes. Ringo looked amused and George looked nervous. I walked over to the tea kettle to get away from the tension, I had quite enough of it for one day and wished George would just come out and state the obvious already.

"So Rich, did you have lunch?" I asked casually.

"I'm eatin' it." he said through a mouthful. "What'd you kiddies do?"

"We went to a pub." I said, looking back at George. Ringo grinned.

"Is that all?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Ringo shrugged.

"I dunno. Ya have a good time, then?"

I nodded and looked at George who was eating another sandwich. I giggled.

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