Chapter 4 - Goodnight 🕒Friday, November 1st, 1963🕞

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Panic stricken, I tried to gain control of myself. Breaking into a frantic sprint down the hallway, I turned the corner, bursting through the doors of the studio. Five pairs of eyes stared back.

"Wendy pet, we wondered what became of you." Ringo started, and I froze. Paul looked at me with a worried expression.

"What's the matter, love? You look a little pale in the face."

And then I couldn't take it anymore. Much to my disgust, with a loud wail, I broke down right there in the doorway.

The four of them stood looking at me dumbfounded, and it was then that I realized the pretty redhead who stood in the corner next to Paul.

"Oh, darling, it's alright!" she cried, rushing over quickly to give me a hug. It was strange in the sense that I had no idea who she was or anything about her really, and yet, there she was, so sweet, gentle, and calming to me. She looked back at Paul, giving him a little glare.

"Really, darling, it's alright. Paul just opens his mouth without thinking sometimes."

I sniffed on my tears and pressed my face against her chest, embarrassed as the four of them stood there gawking at me.

"Oh, no, it's not that..." I managed, trying desperately to form words, but was in too much shock to function.

I backed away from her and lifted my chin to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry. I just seem to be a little on edge, and it's been a rather long day for me..."

"No worries." John said, surprisingly non-judgmental. "We're all friends here." I managed a weak smile as I scanned the room. John grinned at me and Paul and Ringo tried their best to smile but looked genuinely concerned. And George just looked shell shocked. He stood quietly in the back, rubbing his fingers on the back of his neck. I turned back towards the girl, and she smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." she said.

"That's Paulie's girl!" John blurted out, receiving her glare.

"Yes, that's me. I'm Jane." she said. Jane Asher! I knew I recognized her from someplace!

"Wendy." I managed with a weak smile, shaking her hand rigidly. She laughed.

"You don't have to be so formal," she teased. "I'm not that important."

"You are seeing me." Paul gloated, casually slipping an arm around her.

"That's what I meant." Jane laughed, punching him in the chest.

"Oh, I see." Paul said, walking in the other direction and receiving cackles from his friends. I merely stood there, glazed over, in my thick layer of shock. They must have noticed, because once again, after a moment of this, they returned their attention back to me.

"Are you going to be ok then, love?" John asked, who had seemed to grow friendlier as the night progressed. He was no longer the cold man I had met earlier that day, and I wondered how many sides there were to this bipolar seeming Lennon. I just knew that I liked this one the best. I sighed and looked at the floor.

"I don't know." I said quietly. Jane placed her hands on my shoulders and lovingly stroked my hair.

"What you need is a good night's rest, dear. Things will look brighter in the morning."

"Of course they will!" Ringo chimed in, winking in my direction. My stomach took a hitch and I felt like I was going to be sick. Just as long as they didn't ask the question...

"Where do you live, love? Paul and I can take you home."

Well, that did it. I was screwed.

"Well, I..."

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