Chapter 30-I'd Have You Anytime 🕒Sunday, November 17th, 1963🕞

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"What??!" If he wasn't before, George was now wide awake, shrinking back in a mixture of horror and confusion.

Snapping on the lights, he turned to face me, the look on his face saying it all.

"Yer...yer...yer putting me on! Yer so bloody hilarious, that's a bunch of bollocks!" he yelling laughing, more to himself than to me. I took ahold of him, trying to calm him down.

"George, get ahold of yourself, I said I would explain!"

He shook me off as he climbed back in bed and buried his head in the sheets.

"I'm absolutely knackered and yer just come in here to have a laugh and cock it all up for me!"

He crawled back out momentarily to study me, his eyes wildly searching mine in delusion.

"Blimey, what kind of wonky rubbish did they put in that scotch? I've really lost the plot!"

"George, will you listen?"

"How in the world am I gonna-"

"George!" I cried, grabbing his arms and shaking him repetitively. "Let me tell you what happened!"

He stopped long enough for me to give the facts, and I proceeded hoping to God this wasn't a mistake.

"George, listen to me. I am from the year 2017. I was sent back..."

"No, no, this can't be happening!"

"...I was sent back to 1963 in a science experiment that took place at the University of Chicago. My professor had built a time machine and was looking for a volunteer to participate as a guinea pig in his experiment and being a history major, Victor picked me. I was selected but told nothing other than that I would be well paid and signed my life away. They hooked me up to the machine and the next thing I knew I was in the middle of the street where John almost hit me. That's when I rode with him to the studio and thought for sure I was dreaming.

When I dozed off in the back and woke up, I was snapped out of my head. I had no idea where I was or how I had got there, but I did remember fragments of the lab. Jane took me home that night to stay with her and it wasn't until the next day Victor appeared to me as a hologram which is an, er, sort of projection, and he told me that I had traveled in time. Ever since then, he's been trying to get me back but the thing is, I don't know if I can and I don't know that I want to leave. Victor told me before the dance that I couldn't speak to you anymore and I lost it.
I wanted to do the right thing, but George I'm so confused! You've got to help me by believing what I say is true! I just couldn't keep it from you any longer, I know I've been a burden and I'm sorry! But you must believe me after everything that's happened, how I appeared in the street, all the dizzy spells, the times I knew your songs and was telling you what you would accomplish! Please, George! You've got to hear me out!"  

A long silence prevailed my vent. There it was. All that had been bottled up inside of me for the last two and a half weeks...everything was finally out.

George stared up at me in shock, his hands shaking in bewilderment and fear. He sat like that for so long, I was beginning to grow frightened.

"George, say something!" I pleaded, reaching for his hand.
He gulped and pulled out his pack of cigarettes, his hands trembling as he lit one and stuck it between his lips.

"This is deep." Was all he could say, as he stared at me with a look of tragic confusion. I frowned at him as he took a puff of his cancer stick and snatched the pack from his hand.

"No more." I said, tossing them aside. He winced, almost afraid of my actions. After his shaking had ceased, he looked me in the eye.

"I think I believe yer." he finally whispered, in a voice hardly audible. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes and I threw myself at him full force, so filled with relief.

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